Author: Krista Holle
Genre: YA Fantasy
At fifteen, Anaii is the most important member of her tribe—and the most mysterious. Ever since Anaii can remember, the spirits of the wind have whispered of fertile hunting grounds and imminent enemy attacks. But when her people are ambushed by a brother clan without any apparent cause, the spirits remain eerily silent.
As the village prepares to retaliate, Anaii is pressured by her best friend, Elan, to marry him. It’s an old plea—Elan has spent a lifetime loving her, but Anaii only sees a childhood playmate out of an imposing warrior. Stifled by Elan’s insistence, Anaii escapes into the forest where she meets Jayttin, the beautiful son of the enemy chief.
Enamored by Jayttin’s carefree spirit and hope for peace, she repeatedly sneaks away to be with him, but when her deception is discovered, Elan is devastated. Pledging his lifelong affection, Elan gives her a passionate kiss, and Anaii begins to see her friend in a new light.
While Anaii is tormented over which man she must choose, the wind whispers of a new threat that could destroy both tribes. Only a union will afford a chance at survival, but the reality of that union is based on one thing—which man Anaii chooses to die.
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Cover Lovin’
question was recently posed on Goodreads: what makes a good cover? Authors have
been asking themselves this question since the invention of books. I personally
have always felt that a book’s cover is equally as important as what’s inside
the book. Who among us doesn’t secretly
judge a book by its cover?
months I agonized over what my cover should look like for my new novel The Wind Whisperer. Photographic covers
seem to be all the rage and for the longest time I anticipated using this sort
of cover. But before even hiring a cover artist I started scanning through hundreds
of stock model photographs. Red flags began going off all over the place when I
realized that there were few Native American models out there. There were even fewer models in their late
teen years that were suitably good looking. It was then I decided that an
illustrator would probably be the best way to go.
scanned through dozens of artists’ portfolios before I ran across the very
talented Janice Duke. She is a British artist who uses computer illustrations. Before
contacting Janice, I didn’t have any concrete ideas on what my cover should
look like but I did know a couple of things.
First I wanted Anaii, my fifteen-year-old heroin, to appear on the cover.
Second I knew my cover couldn’t be cheesy like so much Native American art.
This meant there would be no overly romanticized characters decked out in
feathers, body paint, or ceremonial regalia.
the first cover draft, Anaii was featured all alone in front of a windswept
sky. It was nice, but didn’t quite pique the interest I was hoping for. Two
more main characters were quickly added.
The first was Elan, Anaii’s best friend with the potential for so much
more. Next was Jayttin, the son of an enemy chief. He might also be the key to
peace between two warring tribes. The cover finally hinted at the complicated
love triangle inside. Lastly Janice added leaves floating along Anaii’s
fingertips to suggest her deep connection with the wind.
really happy with the results of my cover.
It is unique, colorful, and hints at the story inside. Anaii’s tattoos
were a nice addition for me too. Janice’s complicated tattoos were not what I
had in mind, but I liked hers so much better that I changed the description of
the ones in the book.
makes a good cover? For me it is a cover
that lures the reader in and possibly even tells a story. While a good cover is
different for everyone I’m very pleased and proud of the one Janice Duke
created for me. All covers will be judged and The Wind Whisperer is no different—now let the judging begin.
I don't know what you think, but I like the cover... It's very unique!! Thanks for the insightful post, Krista !!

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