If you want to try a J.A. Huss series, I suggest you get into this one people! She has turned up the suspense in the second novel in the Mister series and I cannot wait for more!

Title: Mr. Romantic
Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Mister #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Suspense
Charm is the key to the world.
Charisma, magnetism, sex appeal—that ‘it’ factor that can’t be described.
Nolan Delany has it is spades.
The infamous Mr. Romantic.
And maybe he is out of my league… But I’m going to give it the old college try anyway. Because I didn’t travel two thousand miles for a job interview at his request just to be put out like trash.
Don’t underestimate me, Mr. Delaney.
I’m really not as innocent as I look.
Charisma, magnetism, sex appeal—that ‘it’ factor that can’t be described.
Nolan Delany has it is spades.
The infamous Mr. Romantic.
And maybe he is out of my league… But I’m going to give it the old college try anyway. Because I didn’t travel two thousand miles for a job interview at his request just to be put out like trash.
Don’t underestimate me, Mr. Delaney.
I’m really not as innocent as I look.
What a fantastic read this turned out to be! I was not expecting such a change in style considering the first book was more of a romantic comedy, but J.A. Huss has kicked it up a notch with Mr. Romantic, adding some intensity, suspense and a few dark elements that I have come to love about her work! I am super excited to see where this story goes now and how all the Mister’s are really connected!
Ivy was sent an invitation to attend a job interview, and was swept away in a private jet across the country, to meet with Nolan Delaney – Mr. Romantic. She didn’t understand why she was picked and felt out of her comfort zone, but was determined to either lose her virginity or get the job (and I love a girl with a goal!). Each time she met with Nolan, the more she wanted to know him and to unravel his secrets and desires.
Nolan wasn’t sure why Ivy was sent for the job, and intended to send her home as soon as possible, but she unlocked something inside of him that had been dormant for some time. He wanted her badly and did everything he could to have her, even for one night. They each held secrets and Nolan told her about his darkest fantasies and let her in on details from his past that no one else knew about.
I enjoyed seeing the trust and passion grow between Nolan and Ivy. Ivy wasn’t very sexually experienced, but allowed Nolan to teach her and show her things that she wouldn’t usually do. Nolan’s fantasies are a little dark and twisted, but I felt that it was what this couple needed and may mean more in the overall story arc.
I enjoyed the new direction that this story took, with the Mister’s pasts coming back to haunt them, but also bringing the Mister’s together again. I loved the name drop that happened as well, and I may have got a little excited seeing that a character I want to know more about had something to do with the Mister’s pasts! I hope he makes an appearance again in future books! Mr. Romantic was everything I expected from a J.A. Huss read – a dark twisted romantic storyline, with a touch of suspense that I need more of! Bring on the next book!
Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

*** Swoon Thursday was first bought to us by YA Bound. Since they are no longer with us, and with permission from Trisha Wolfe, I have decided that those of us that love to swoon need a central meet up point. So here it is ladies! I have a link up for everyone at the bottom of the post you can add your swoons to, and I’ll set it up every week! So tell all other swooners out there to come on over, link up so we can visit each other! ***
Nolan is sure one to talk dirty to a woman... check these out!
“Oh, don’t worry, Ivy. I don’t get girls in bed by wining and dining them. It’s the talking that lowers all those keen defenses and inner voices telling them to run away as fast as they can.”
Kindle Arc Loc 1045
“Close your mouth, Ivy Rockwell,” I croon. “You’re making my dick hard just thinking about how you’ll suck it tonight.”
Kindle Arc Loc 1065
Originally inspired by YA Bound

You can chat with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AuthorJAHuss), Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (www.newadultaddiction.com).
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Other reviews featuring JA Huss
Mister series
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Rook and Ronin series
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Panic #3
Happily Ever After #3.5
Mister series
Mr. Perfect #1
Rook and Ronin series
Tragic #1
Manic #2
Panic #3
Happily Ever After #3.5
Rook and Ronin Spinoff's
Dirty, Dark, and Deadly series
Come Back #2
Follow #1
Like #2
Block #3
Status #4
Profile #5
Home #6 Sexy
Eighteen (18)
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