Character Bio/Giveaway – Destined by Ali Cross

Welcome to my stop on the Destined book tour which has been brought to you by SupaGurl Tours. Here you can read a summary of the book, the character bio and learn a little more about the author Ali Cross. There is a tour wide giveaway running too so don’t forget to enter! Don't forget to visit the other blogs on this tour for more information about this book and the author.

Title: Destined
Author: Ali Cross
Series: Desolation #3
Genre: YA Paranormal
Published: December 12th 2012

Book Blurb: 

Choosing is a bad idea, because Desi always makes the wrong choice, and sometimes there are no do-overs. Certainly not this time, when all has been lost and Desi can’t even save herself, let alone her friends. For Desi, the hardest thing is letting someone help her, to accept their sacrifice on her\behalf. But that’s exactly what she’ll have to do in order to save the worlds from Helena’s destruction.

The goddess of Helheimer, long imprisoned by Desi’s father, Loki, is free at last, and she’s bent on reclaiming what once was hers. The nine worlds will be drawn into war, over Hell, over Earth, with innocent humans as meaningless collateral.

While Michael and the Gardians of Asgard, along with the golden-armored Valkyrie, lead the battle for freedom, it’s Desi who holds the destiny of all the worlds in her hands. 

Can she set aside her doubts, once and for all, and claim the gifts that are hers to bear? Can she accept the sacrifice that is made for her and Become all that she was created to be?

Her final choice will define not only her future, but the fate of humankind, forever more.

Character Bio


AKA: God of the Bifrost
Stature: He is a giant of a man—7’ tall and as wide as two men.
Favorite clothes: His wardrobe is virtually unchanging—he is dressed in the white and gold silks and fine cloth of the Persian Empire.
Favorite weapon: He has not drawn a weapon in eons, but should he be forced to raise his arm, he would use a scimitar.
Favorite drink: Ambrosia.
Favorite food: Fruit of all kinds.
Favorite treat: There is none he has found to tempt him.

Among the oldest of the gods, and one of the few Vanir gods remaining, Heimdall is a serious sort of fellow. He mostly keeps to himself, busying himself by overseeing the paths to all the worlds and ensuring they are not misused. He has had few friends in his extremely long lifetime, one of the best of whom has been Michael.

Though generally untrusting, with emotions that are as hard to move as a planet is forced out of orbit, when Heimdall does give his love and friendship, it is immovable and eternal. Heimdall is fierce in protection of what he deems to be right and he is guided by his own personal moral compass that is oftentimes more strict than that of others.


AKA: Lord of Asgard, Guardian of Midgard
Favorite clothes: He wears the warrior garb of a Gardian beneath a long midnight-blue robe with embedded gems that glimmer like stars.
Favorite weapon: He prefers a sword and practices regularly.
Favorite drink: Ambrosia.
Favorite food: The silver apples of the Alfahr.
Favorite treat: He can’t get enough of those apples.

God of Æsa, Odin was at one time ruler of all. But when his people came bowing and scraping to the Vanir gods he resolved himself to be content with whatever they might, in their generosity, grant him. He doesn’t begrudge his new charge, the small Asgard world, nor does he blame his former subjects who now rule equally over their own planets. He does, however, regret the order that once brought him peace.

Now, with so many gods vying to be Lord of All, there is little that eases his mind. Instead, he must be ever vigilant, ever aware of what is going on on other worlds so he will be ready to stand in defense of all that he loves.

Author Bio

Ali Cross is the sensei of the writer's dojo where she holds a black belt in awesome. She lives in Utah with her kickin' husband, two sparring sons, one ninja cat, two sumo dogs and four zen turtles. Ali is the author of the Desolation series, a young adult paranormal romance about the kick-butt devil’s daughter and her search for a destiny of her own choosing.

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Tour Wide Giveaway and My Personal Giveaway!

There is a tour wide giveaway and there are a couple of prize packs and heaps of amazing books up for grabs.

The Ultimate Desolation Fan Prize Pack!

Personalized, Signed copies of BECOME, DESOLATE & DESTINED
Silver Desi Necklace, original design & hand-created by Gail Zuniga
Desolation Tote Bag
Desolation T-Shirt
3 Desolation Bookmarks
Celtic Knotted Heart bracelet made my ali

The Ultimate Digital Reader Prize Pack!
Kindle Paperwhite
The Desolation Trilogy
Twenty-five additional books by awesome indie authors

Twelve Signed Books! 

And Each Blog on the Tour will Give Away a Desolation (e) Trilogy!
Available in any format

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is the Rafflecopter for my personal giveaway for the three books in the trilogy available in any (e) format!

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