I want to help you polish your manuscript before you hit the publish button! I can be another set of eyes that can pick up on errors you may have missed, despite the countless times you have read and re-read your
I am a passionate reader, and throughout the years I have developed a keen eye for detail. I recently completed a proofreading and editing course and have been a Beta reader for the past two years. I will provide honest feedback, but remember that it’s your book – your baby – and my comments are just suggestions.
If you choose to use my services, I will edit your book in Microsoft Word, using the tracking and the comment features. When your book is returned, I will provide a summary of what I think of your book.
Prices are based on manuscripts > 50, 000 words. If your book is less than this, please contact me for a quote that may suit you.
Please submit your book at least a month before your publish date. That way I have sufficient time to read, edit and return to you, before conducting a thorough final edit.
Please submit your book at least a month before your publish date. That way I have sufficient time to read, edit and return to you, before conducting a thorough final edit.

I can do a sample edit on the first three chapters to determine what your needs are. After this initial read, I will return these chapters to you and inform you of what service I believe you require.
- $50 (which will be deducted from any service you choose.)

Includes correction of spelling, grammar, punctuation and minor sentence formation.
This is a great resource for writers who need another set of eyes to go over their work.
- 0.0035 per word

Includes correction of spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence formation problems. I will check for consistency and make sure the dialogue runs smoothly. I’ll also provide feedback on the plot, how the characters are developed and what strengths and weaknesses I find throughout the book.
You can either accept or reject the suggestions. I will re-read the manuscript and do a final edit before publication.
- 0.0060 per word

If there are major issues with spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence formation, I will have to do more extensive editing with your manuscript. This includes Line and Copy Editing PLUS sentence
rewriting where required. I will point out major plot holes, identify awkward phrasing, character inconsistencies and check the pace of the story. I will provide feedback on the story as a whole, detailing parts that I loved and others that need work.
- 0.0075 per word
If you need any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at nomipp @ gmail . com