War between heaven and hell is coming, but Dante Walker makes it look damn good.
Dante’s girlfriend, Charlie, is fated to save the world. And Aspen, the girl who feels like a sister, is an ordained soldier. In order to help both fulfill their destiny and win the war, Dante must complete liberator training at the Hive, rescue Aspen from hell, and uncover a message hidden on an ancient scroll.
Dante is built for battle, but even he can’t handle the nightmares where spiders crawl from Aspen’s eyes, or the look on Charlie’s face that foretells of devastation. To make matters worse, the enemy seizes every opportunity to break inside the Hive and cripple the liberators. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, and to stand victorious, Dante will have to embrace something inside himself he never has before—faith.
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POW! What a thrilling conclusion to the Dante Walker series! It is such an amazing series and I am sad to see it come to an end, but this final book took it out with a bang! I laughed, I shed a tear and I was immersed into all the action along the way. If you haven’t started this series … do so now!
Dante is still a fabulous character to read about: he is passionate, confident and loyal. He wants to do everything in his power to protect Charlie and everyone else he cares about. I like how he tries to see the bigger picture and demands more action when required. He is that type of person you can turn to in battle and know he has answers and will have your back. He grew so much more throughout this story and the final product … Amazing!
The whole book built up slowly. There were little things that occurred throughout the book and I could just feel the tension and that the climax of the book was coming. There were plenty of twists that were thrown in that will leave you gasping, others will bring tears to your eyes … it was that incredible! It was exciting to see all my other favourite characters return too. Charlie, Annabelle, Max, Red and Blue, they all play major parts in this book and I loved how it all came together.
I just love how Victoria Scott brings Dante Walker to life. He’s a character that you can relate to and you can see yourself being friends with him, inviting him over to your man cave and doing fun stuff with. He seems that real. The world she built was fabulous and the plot will have you hooked! I loved this book and how it took me on such an emotional ride … Thank you, Victoria, for bringing Dante to us … POW, POW!
Complimentary copy provided by the Publisher, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.