Review ~ Red & Wolfe, Part II by Ella James

Red & Wolfe, Part II (Red & Wolfe, #2)Title: Red & Wolfe, Part II
Author: Ella James
Series: Red & Wolfe #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Published: May 21st 2014

Return to Rabbit Island for the erotic second installment of Red & Wolfe. It's nothing like part one. It's WAY filthier. Grab your extra panties and prepare to meet the big bad...well, you know.
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Part II continues immediately after Part I ended and I liked how there was no time gap in-between. I saw how sizzling both Red and Wolfe were and the passion between them is definitely growing.

I saw more of Wolfe’s private life in Part II and I liked getting to know him a little better. More of his dominant side came out and his sexual preferences, and I must admit, it had my heart racing! I liked how Red took her time with him and was eager to get direction from him. They are a compatible couple and I want to see more of them together.

From what I can see, both of their secrets and pasts are going to catch up with them and things are going to get exciting! I am looking forward to reading the next instalment… soon! 

Other reviews featuring Ella James

Red & Wolfe serial
Red & Wolfe, Part I