Review ~ Out of Love by Jewel E. Ann

Out of LoveOut of Love by Jewel E. Ann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This read was certainly different from what I thought it would be, and I couldn't help but to devour it! Both Livy and Slade were strong characters that I enjoyed getting to know. I liked the way that Livy pushed Slade, and was able to get under his skin with her curious nature. I liked the connection and passion that Slade and Livy had, and the relationship with Jericho.

There were several twists and suspense filled moments that had me on edge, that I didn’t see coming. Out of Love was a captivating read that I didn’t want it to end. I know I need to read more in the series.

Title: Out of Love
Author: Jewel E. Ann
Genre: New Adult Romance
Published: September 27, 2020

Conspiracies. Corruption. Serial killers.

You name it—I'm fascinated by it. My mom always blamed my overly curious and highly suspicious mind on my dad.

My incredibly overbearing dad.

Mr. No One Is Good Enough For My Daughter has been terrifying my dates since I turned fifteen.

College is my chance to be free from his control and date any guy I want.

I'm absolutely certain he would hate Slade Wylder—almost as certain as I am that I do too.

Since when have I shied away from trouble?

Slade fascinates me. He lives in a house I'm certain is haunted. His dog is trained as well as any guard I've ever seen. Rumor on campus is that he deals drugs. It would explain a lot.

But it doesn't explain why he saves me from my darkest moment.

It doesn't explain why I can't stop thinking about him.

And the explanation I finally discover is far more dangerous than any rumor.