Windfall by Rachel Caine ~ Review & Teaser (@rachelcaine)

Windfall was a helluva ride, I tell you!! There was a lot that happened and I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish! It was amusing to see Jo step back and build honest friendships.
Windfall (Weather Warden, #4)
Title: Windfall
Author: Rachel Caine
Series: Weather Warden #4
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published: November 1st 2005

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Leaving Las Vegas seemed like a great idea to Joanne Baldwin. But there’s no escaping her past – and there’s no time to recharge. The former Weather Warden’s powers are at an all-time low just as the clouds of war are gathering – and the biggest storm since Atlantis’s destruction is heading for landfall.

Joanne is exhausted. When not donning a rain mac and camping it up for the camera as a TV weather girl, she has to contend with a vengeful cop on her tail, her newly divorced sister moving in and getting caught in the middle of a supernatural civil war. Worst of all, her boyfriend in a bottle can’t stop draining her powers and is fast morphing from the Djinn of her dreams to the Ifrit of her nightmares.

As the agreement between the Wardens and the Djinn starts to self-destruct, Joanne finds herself forced to choose between saving her lover, saving her Warden abilities…and saving humanity.

I don't know what I expected from this book, but I certainly wasn't expecting all of that to happen!! Joanne seemed to always find herself in a lot of trouble, and although she began this book trying to fit into the normal world, the Warden world seemed to drag her back in. This particular read was a slow build, however the ending has left me shocked, and I need to continue immediately.

It was amusing to see Joanne try to fit into trying to be a normal woman, holding down an interesting job, and she had very few friends. Her sister managed to make her way back into her life and turned so much of her normalcy upside down. I really liked Jo's new friend Cherise, and how she was willing to come to Jo's aide whenever she needed her.

I could see that the world was changing and there were disputes arising everywhere, between Wardens and even the Djinn. Jo seemed to be caught in the middle and often called on those she trusted for a little help. I was happy to see Lewis again, and even the punk kid Kevin. David's appearances were sporadic and my heart ached for Jo.

The Weather Warden series has been one hell of a roller-coaster ride so far. Each one of these books has been building into something huge... and by the time I got to the end of Windfall, there was certainly a big shift in the game! There was so much change and there were a few threads left open that I cannot wait to see more of! Rachel Caine has certainly made me a Weather Warden addict, and I'll be picking up Firestorm immediately!!

I have a couple of good teasers, showing the pressure that Jo was under. She also has some good friends! 😝

‘What’s wrong?’
‘Apart from the Djinn fighting in the streets and Ashan himself coming to kick my ass? Well, I have a time clock running on my life, and Jonathan wants me to break the bottle and free David, but if I do that we’ll never be able to heal him, and besides, he’ll probably kill Jonathan and win the war for Ashan. I got sunburnt and my boss tries to feel me up every day. Also, my sister asked a date over for dinner, and David’s an Ifrit.’
Stunned silence. And then he said, carefully, ‘Have you been drinking?’

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‘Are you saying I’m not subtle?’
‘You’re about as subtle as a brick. But you can take that as a compliment. Hero-types generally aren’t that subtle.’
Hero-types? ‘Anything else?’
‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘The greasy-looking kid who was in your apartment last night ripped off some cash from the flour jar in your kitchen. And the guy you were talking to before you left for work made him put it back.’
Kevin and Lewis, each acting according to their natures. It made me smile.
‘Also,’ Rodriguez finished, ‘you looked totally hot on TV, and your sister looks pretty good naked. Now. Tell me about what really happened with Quinn.’

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Rachel CaineRachel Caine is the NYT, USA Today, and #1 WSJ bestselling author of more than 50 books in several categories and genres, including adult thriller and adult urban fantasy/SF as well as books for young adults ages twelve to eighteen.

She is the winner of several national awards, and most recently was a finalist in both the International Thriller Writers awards and the Killer Nashville awards for her debut thriller novel Stillhouse Lake.

Other reviews featuring Rachel Caine
 Weather Warden series
Ill Wind #1
Heat Stroke #2
Chill Factor #3