Unforgettable by Melanie Harlow ~ Review & Teaser (#MelanieHarlow)

I've read a few of Melanie Harlow's reads now, and I always love how sweet they are. I was excited to get into the fianl book in the Cloverleigh Farms series, and although I haven't read all the books, I thoroughly enjoyed this one!
Unforgettable (Cloverleigh Farms, #5)
Title: Unforgettable
Author: Melanie Harlow
Series: Cloverleigh Farms #5
Genre: Contemporary Roamnce
Published: May 4th 2020

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Back then, I had it all. Wicked fastball. Killer instinct. Cocky grin. Full package.
(And believe me, I knew how to score.)
My senior year, I was a first round draft pick with a two-million-dollar signing bonus. Before I could even legally buy myself a beer, I made my Major League debut.

Point is, I was invincible.
Until one day I wasn’t.

After tanking my career—during the World Series, no less—the last thing I want to do is return to my hometown, where every jerk in a ball cap has an opinion about what went wrong with my arm.
So when my sister drags me back to town for her wedding, I vow to get in and out of there as quickly as possible.
Then I run into April Sawyer.

In high school we were just friends, but I’d always wanted her, and I’d never forgotten her—the red hair, the incredible smile, the crazy, reckless thing we did in the back of my truck the night we said goodbye.

It’s been eighteen years, but one look at her and I feel like my old self again. I can still make her laugh, she can still take me down a notch, and when the chemistry between us explodes, it’s even hotter this time around—and I don’t want it to end.

But just when I think I’m ready to let go of the past and get back in the game, life throws me a curveball I never saw coming.

Unforgettable was a read with a slow build up, where you knew that the characters had history, but not how deep their connection was. It was a truly beautiful read and it really rocked me on the intensity and strength that these characters had.

April was definitely the strong type of girl, who I soon found out, had been through so much at such a young age. She was close with her family and loved living in her home town. She knew it was inevitable that Tyler was going to return to town, however she had no idea the impact that he would make on her once again.

Tyler was a little down and out, but I loved seeing his spirits lift the longer he was in town. He started finding passion for baseball once again and had someone else to focus on too. I loved watching the connection between Tyler and April grow, and seeing them face what happened years earlier made them even stronger together.

I have only read one other book in this series, and although I haven't read all the books, it doesn't impact this read whatsoever. Each book is a standalone about different sisters from this small town, and I enjoyed seeing how close they all were. Melanie Harlow has created such a beautiful world, and characters that feel so real to the reader, that you get swept away with her worlds. I really need to go back and read more stories from this world.
I just loved the build up to this kiss!! 

“ ... I remember you always smelled like birthday cake. I remember the way you’d play with your hair while you did math problems. And I remember this one little skirt you had, the way it would ride up your thighs when you sat on your knees at the kitchen table.”
Forget about dancing. I couldn’t even feel my feet on the ground anymore. “Tyler?”
“Yeah.” I slid my hand into his thick dark hair.
“I want you to kiss me.”
“It’s about fucking time.” That cocky grin flashed for a fraction of a second, and then—finally—his lips were on mine.

Kindle eBook @37%

Melanie HarlowMelanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. Her stories are about modern couples falling in old-fashioned love, and even though romance is a fantasy, her heroes and heroines are everyday people with real problems who stumble on their way to happily ever after. She lifts her glass to readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband and two daughters.

Other reviews featuring Melanie Harlow
Cloverleigh Farms series
After We Fall
Man Candy
Frenched series
Frenched #1
Happy Crazy Love series
Some Sort of Happy #1
Other reviews featuring Melanie Harlow & Corrine Michaels
Hold You Close