July was a quiet month outside of the blog. We had netball and football most weekends. My Grandmother turned 89, so we went and had a get together for her.
My youngest wanted to watch a movie, but he didn't know what to do with this one... 🤣
My youngest wanted to watch a movie, but he didn't know what to do with this one... 🤣
I purchased a few physical books this month, just to jolt my reading. I felt like I was in a little slump, and I found a few books and I am definitely out of my slump! I've been mowing through a few books and had a lot of fun.
I'm up to date with comments, and reviews, I've even been through most of my emails... I'm feeling good at the moment!
Click on the covers to take you to my reviews.

These are the books I've picked up over the past month!
(Click on covers/link to take you to Goodreads)
Ash Princess (Ash Princess Trilogy #1) by Laura Sebastian
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard
Cruel Crown (Red Queen 0.1-0.2) by Victoria Aveyard
King's Cage (Red Queen #3) by Victoria Aveyard
War Storm (Red Queen #4) by Victoria Aveyard
Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged hosted by Braine @ Talk Supe and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
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