Waiting On Wednesday # 130 – Loose Changeling & Silver Bastard

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where I have the chance to spotlight an upcoming release that I’m eagerly anticipating.

Loose Changeling
Loose Changeling (Changeling Wars, #1)Author: Andrea Stewart
Series: Changeling Wars, #1
Genre: Fantasy
Expected Publication: April 1st 2015

When Nicole catches her husband in bed with another woman, she doesn’t just eject him from the premises--she turns his mistress into a mouse.

It’s not as if she meant to. Far as she knew, she was regular-issue human. So she’s mystified (and mortified) when Kailen, Fae-for-hire, shows up on her doorstep the next day, hits on her, and then drops this bomb: she’s a Changeling, a Fae raised among mortals. The doorways between the Fae and mortal worlds have been sealed shut for a millennium, but now are opening randomly at an alarming rate, and mortals are turning up dead. Kailen’s employers believe she’s the only one who can close them.

Nicole would be happy to oblige and get her life back to normal, but she’s developed a magical block. Not only does she fail to turn her husband’s mistress back into a human, she can’t do any magic unless she’s angry--and she’s only angry enough when her husband’s in the room. Before Nicole can say “I don’t believe in fairies,” she’s jumping between the Fae and mortal worlds with her soon-to-be-ex, his mousy mistress, and the Fae bodyguard she’s increasingly attracted to, trying to figure out who’s opening the doorways and why.

And she’d better stay mad and learn how to use her powers quickly, because there’s a price on her head. Any magic a Changeling performs cannot be undone by another Fae, so the Fae have a simple rule for those like Nicole--kill on sight.

Silver Bastard
Silver Bastard (Silver Valley, #1)Author: Joanna Wylde
Series: Silver Valley #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Expected Publication: April 7th 2015

First in the new Silver Valley series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Reapers Motorcycle Club Novels

Fourteen months. For fourteen months, Puck Redhouse sat in a cell and kept his mouth shut, protecting the Silver Bastards MC from their enemies. Then he was free and it was time for his reward—full membership in the club, along with a party to celebrate. That’s when he saw Becca Jones for the first time and set everything in motion. Before the night ended he’d violated his parole and stolen her away from everything she knew.

Five years. It was five years ago that Puck destroyed Becca and saved her all in one night. She’s been terrified of him ever since, but she’s even more terrified of the monsters he still protects her from... But Becca refuses to let fear control her. She’s living her life and moving forward, until she gets a phone call from the past she can't ignore. She has to go back, and there’s only one man she can trust to go with her—the ex-con biker who rescued her once before.

Puck will help her again, but this time it’ll be on his terms. No more lies, no more tears, and no more holding back what he really wants...

What are you waiting for? Please leave a comment below with your WoW link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday!!


  1. The first one sounds hilarious. :) I'm curious about Silver Bastard (that's quite the title). Lol.

  2. YES to the first one, especially after that first sentence in the synopsis. ;) And OH HELL YES to the second! I've not even read Wylde yet and I want that one!!

  3. I've read a few Fae books and I quite enjoyed them. This one sounds interesting. I got caught by the first line, changing her husband's mistress into a mouse. Don't mind the look of Silver Bastard either.
    Thanks for introducing me to some new reads.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  4. Great Picks!! I like these book, I'm going to add them to my TBR

  5. Angela ReadingCaveMarch 4, 2015 at 9:02 PM

    Okay you had me at turned his mistress into a mouse! How can I not want to read this books? Second one looks good too.

    My WoW

  6. Jessica @ a GREAT readMarch 4, 2015 at 11:43 PM

    OOoh nice! those two sound mighty intriguing! Both are new to me as well!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. both are new to me but sounds like it has promise.Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  8. Loose Changeling sounds intriguing enough .. thanks for sharing :)

    <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  9. I agree, I think it would be fun, and the second should be a great MC book!

  10. I know, I haven't read either of these, but they sound great!

  11. Hehe! I know, they do sound like fun reads!

  12. I agree, I think I'll enjoy them!

  13. I hope so too, they are going to be a lot of fun!!


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