EARLY REVIEW ~ Time Served by Julianna Keyes

Title: Time Served
Author: Julianna Keyes
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: March 23rd 2015

Dean Barclay had nothing to do with my decision to flee my old life, but he is 100 percent of the reason I vowed to never look back.

I've never forgotten how it felt to follow Dean—dangerous, daring, determined—away from the crowd and climb into his beat-up old Trans Am. I was sixteen and gloriously alive for the first time. When I felt his hand cover my leg and move upward, it was over. I was his. Forever.

Until I left. Him, my mom, and the trailer park. Without so much as a goodbye.

Now Dean's back, crashing uninvited into my carefully cultivated, neat little lawyerly life. Eight years behind bars have turned him rougher and bigger—and more sexually demanding than any man I've ever met. I can't deny him anything…and that just might end up costing me everything.
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Time Served was a story of personal growth for both of the main characters, Rachel and Dean. They both seemed lost and were just going about their days as normal, not realising they were missing something, until they were united again.

I found it hard to connect with Rachel at first; she was a bit cold and bitter, but along the way she opened up and somehow let Dean back in. She became happier and her closest friends at work could see the difference in her. She is determined to succeed at work, and I liked seeing her dedication to it and the case she was working on.

Dean is rough and demanding, and he was even harder to connect too. He spent so much time disliking Rachel over the years that he had shut all his emotions away and wouldn’t give anything to Rachel. He was hurt by her once before and didn’t want her to do it to him again. I could see that he wanted to protect himself, but I would’ve liked to see more of his softer side.

I really did enjoy this story, even though Dean pushed my buttons a little. It was obvious that these two had a fierce connection and when they were together they were explosive. I liked watching Rachel work on her case and help Dean’s friend Reginald. Both characters evolved throughout Time Served and I liked how it all tied up. Julianna Keyes is an author I will read more from in the future, that’s for sure!

Complimentary copy provided by the Publisher, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Sounds like a great journey to watch them grow

  2. I'm not sure I would enjoy it but I'm glad you did :)

  3. I think it's great when you learn to love the characters as you go along. Love at first sight is also good, but I don't mind the variation. After all, in real life, how often do we just love people straightaway? This one sounds really interesting - I like stories where we get to see people grow. Really good review :)

  4. This definitely sounds like an interesting title. I admire the people/characters that can just walk away because i am soooo not that way lol. Great post!

  5. Cold and bitter ... I think we shall get along beautifully. lol.

  6. I really like the personal growth element in a story - so that intrigues me. But that both characters were so cold and difficult to connect to makes me leery. But you liked it overall and will read the author again. So, should it go on my tbr?? :) Great review, girl!

  7. Hmm, the premise is interesting though - I just finished a dark read called Monster Stepbrother so I might hold off this until later. Wonderful review <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  8. This sounds like a nice read. Thanks for sharing!

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

  9. That cover art is almost iconic now!

    Great review, not sure if this is for me but I do like some of the elements you mentioned. Have a fab weekend, Naomi!

  10. glad to see you atleast enjoyed this book :) hope your next read will be a 5 star read :D

  11. It's always tough for me to get in to a book if I can't connect with the characters! I'm glad they had growth in the story though, and you were able to enjoy it!!

  12. Mmmm... It could be a love/hate kind of read.

  13. Thank you Ramona. It was good to see these characters grow.

  14. Haha! I know what you mean, I'm like that too.

  15. It was a good read, you could fit it in if you were looking for something to read, but I'm sure you're like me, have enough already!! lol

  16. Hehe! I know what you mean!! *wink*

  17. My pleasure, thanks for checking it out!!

  18. It wouldn't be for everyone, i agree.
    hope you had a good weekend too!

  19. I think we all go into a new book hoping for that next 5 star read!

  20. They did have growth, it was great to see them develop.

  21. thank you for the information, interesting post. I hope this content can be benefits for anyone.
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