Like sneak into a Tire Depot waiting room because her words flow there just like complimentary coffee-smooth, sweet, and scorchingly hot.
She manages to fly under the radar until the rugged and charming mechanic, Miles Hudson, notices the quirky redhead slinking in and out of the employees only entrance.
But she's way too intriguing to blow the whistle on.
Doing a test-drive of her new book idea sounds like a much better option.
Wait With Me was quite the entertaining read! I was hooked from the opening chapters as Daws built the world and introduced the characters. I knew that I would enjoy this one and was so that happy Daws delivered a fabulous read.
Kate was an amusing character, sneaking into the tire depot to do her writing and consuming the complimentary food! Honestly, she was a hoot, even taking in the cars of people that she knew as well! Miles was an alpha male but was convinced that he wasn’t ready for a relationship but became possessive of Kate after a while. He was eager to help Kate with any research that she required.
I liked getting to know both characters and watching their chemistry grow. It was sweet that Miles noticed Kate and went out of his way to see her. His possessiveness grew throughout the read and Kate’s quirkiness did not stop. For my first Amy Daws read, I was really impressed, and I’m looking forward to coming back to this world!
I liked seeing the struggles that Kate/Mercedes had with her own romance.
Miles runs a hand through his hair, causing his shock of black locks to stick out all over. “I’m sorry. I…don’t know what to say.”
I sigh and take mercy on him. “There really is nothing else to say. I’ll just…I’ll see you around, Miles.”
I turn and stride away, humiliated by the fact I was just rejected by my real-life book boyfriend.
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