Twas the Night Before Pay Day

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Twas the Night Before Pay Day is a monthly feature hosted right here that will take place the Wednesday before the Last Friday of each month. After writing up your monthly budget, seeing that it doesn't leave much for new books, ripping it up and starting again: this feature is designed to hold a list of books that you just can't wait to buy. You've been waiting all month and now you can finally get your hands on them! Bills are overrated.

The books I’d like to purchase this month have been in my wish list for some time now. They are:
Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent (Unbound #2)
Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent (Soul Screamers #6)
Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels #5.5)
Tangle Of Need by Nalini Singh (Psy-Changeling #11)
Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse #12)

Just so you know, I think we’ll be skimping on food this month, the husband will be having little meals like the kids, so there’s plenty of money to spend on my reading habit!!
