I freakin' loved FOLLOW people and LIKE is almost here!! I am patiently waiting for the pre-order to pop up on my iPad app!! And then I will devour it!

Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Social Media #2
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Vaughn Asher. I’ve stalked him relentlessly. I shaped and formed my lust into the perfect dirty hashtag…day after day… weekend after weekend. He was my prince. My fairy tale. My fantasy.
I gave him the best years of my online life and what did he do for me?
Ruined my social media experience one tweet at a time. That’s what.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #Fantastic #BackToNatureFucking
#MissingSomething #You
And now #TheDickWhoIsVaughnAsher thinks he can weasel his way back into this filthy blue bird’s Twitter account? He’s wrong.
His public fantasy is about to collide… ah, fuck it. He’s hot as hell, bitches. I need more than a free sample. This time I want it all and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.
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She has an undergraduate degree in horses, (yes, really–Thank you, Colorado State University) and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology from the University of Florida. She used to have a job driving around Colorado doing pretty much nothing but shooting the breeze with farmers, but now she just writes, runs the New Adult Addiction and Clean Teen Reads Book Blogs, and runs an online science classroom for homeschoolers.
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Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouAreCaredFor So the movie star says. But his idea of cared for isn't the same as mine. Obviously a #Douche.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #BehindTheScenesIsMyScene The Blue Bird has trust issues. And tantrum issues. And commitment issues.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #SaidTheKettleToThePot
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #YouAreMine and I won't let you forget it.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouMustShitUnicorns that's how delusional your fairy tale is. #GetAGripOnReality I'm outtie.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird You're an #Innie #Sweetheart :) My tongue licked all your #CuteLittleButtons.
Why is he so damn sexy? How will I ever get out from under Asher's thumb if I can't stop thinking about his tongue on my buttons? #HottiesNeedToPlayFair
Other reviews featuring J.A.Huss
Social Media
Follow #1
Dirty, Dark, and Deadly
Come Back #2
Rook and Ronin series
Rook and Ronin Spinoff