Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up #105

Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged hosted by Braine @ Talk Supe and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. I’ll share news, post a recap of the past week and tell you what will be happening on my blog in the week ahead. I will also tell you about the books and goodies that I have managed to pick up.
So, we managed to make the Grand Final for netball… It was played yesterday and we won by 1 goal!! And I shot the winning goal with a few seconds to spare, so I pretty damn proud!! 

Blogging has been quiet this week, I am up to date on my posts and I’ve been busy reading Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb. I have missed this world and I love the new twists thrown in.

Other than that, life is quiet and the kids will be on school holidays in a week… there goes the quiet time!

Review ~ Rogue by Katy Evans
Review~ Damaged Goods by Nicole Williams
Review/Tour ~ Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett
Book Blitz ~ Take Me On by Katie McGarry

99c Purchases
Like (Social Media, #2)

Like (Social Media #2)


For Review
The Lover's Game (No Exceptions, #2)

The Lover's Game (No Exceptions #2)


Black Lies

Black Lies

by Alessandra Torre
Black Ice

Black Ice

by Becca Fitzpatrick

There are still some giveaways running… Click on the links at the top/right of the blog to enter!

What do you did you get up to last week? Pick up any goodies? Please leave a comment below with your link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Week!!