Release Blitz Review/Giveaway ~ Block by J.A. Huss

BLOCK is HERE!! And I received my copy and read it immediately. So today I can share my review with you too!!
Title: Block
Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Social Media #3
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Published: September 24th 2014

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouAreCaredFor So the movie star says. But his idea of cared for isn't the same as mine. Obviously a #Douche.

MovieStar @VaughnAsher

@FilthyBlueBird #BehindTheScenesIsMyScene The Blue Bird has trust issues. And tantrum issues. And commitment issues.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #SaidTheKettleToThePot

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #YouAreMine and I won't let you forget it.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouMustShitUnicorns that's how delusional your fairy tale is. #GetAGripOnReality I'm outtie.

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird You're an #Innie #Sweetheart :) My tongue licked all your #CuteLittleButtons.


Why is he so damn sexy? How will I ever get out from under Asher's thumb if I can't stop thinking about his tongue on my buttons? #HottiesNeedToPlayFair
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I have to tell you, yet again, how much I am enjoying this series. It is a sizzling read, but the secrets and suspense have me hooked too. I am trying to figure everything out and when something is revealed, I am in shock, but I still crave more! 

Block was a pretty emotional ride for Grace as she regrets a lot of the decisions that she has made. Vaughn is a little distant with her as well, which doesn't help. But she tries to continue her life as normal by planning the wedding for her client Kristi, who is quickly becoming her friend.

I think some of this book would frustrate people with the back and forth thinking of Grace, but it shows so much about her character that she still analyses the decisions she has made. Because of this we see Vaughn try harder too which is something I have been waiting for! Their attraction is still strong, but some secrets were revealed that have left them in a spin. With that ending, I have a couple of theories, but I will have to wait and see in Status.

J. A. Huss likes to write new adult books that make you think and keep you guessing. Her favorite genre to read is space opera, but since practically no one reads those books, she writes new adult science fiction, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and books about Junco (who refuses to be saddled with a label).

She has an undergraduate degree in horses, (yes, really–Thank you, Colorado State University) and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology from the University of Florida. She used to have a job driving around Colorado doing pretty much nothing but shooting the breeze with farmers, but now she just writes, runs the New Adult Addiction and Clean Teen Reads Book Blogs, and runs an online science classroom for homeschoolers.

Cover Reveal
 Title: Status
Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Social Media #4
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Expected Publication: October 8th 2014

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #DirtyHeaven is mine tonight.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher I own #DirtyHeaven, bitch. #VaughnAsherIsMyBitch

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #FlashbackTime Get ready.

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
Come here and take off my lip gloss @VaughnAsher #OnMyKneesWaiting

MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #Flashback to last night. Oh, you weren’t wearing lip gloss. But you are now. #GetOnYourKneesAndWait

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher - Dabbing lips with a napkin. #ThatAllYouGot?

Finally... Grace sees me in a different light. The banter is flirty, the sex is fun, and the future looks fabulous.I just hope she feels the same way when she finds out what I did.
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