Happy Holidays & Life Wrap Up!

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2018!!

Well, as you probably all see, I've been a little MIA lately, even though it kills me not to be hanging out and blogging. In January 2017 I landed a job at the local hospital which began as only a couple of shifts per fortnight. By mid year and being a reliable person, I was basically full time! I know it's a good thing, and I have a little time to read, but I lack time to blog. I try to get two posts a week up, but it's not always possible. I am also waaaayyyy behind on comments and visiting blogs. I'll to try and be a little more constant next year, but it will be hard.

So, what else have the family and I been up to? you may ask... well, we were busy with our sports, as usual. The boys played well in the finals, but were knocked out in the second last week. Hop (my husband), Joey (daughter) and I all made the Grand final and won! Mind you my game had to go into overtime as we came from behind to draw the match at the end of normal play, so it was touch and go there! 
Joey has finished primary school! Next year she begins high school and is starting to get excited! I thought I'd share a pic of her on the night she graduated. She is getting so tall, she's catching me!

Hop and I went to one of his cousin's weddings this year, and it was nice to get away and send time together without the kids tagging along. We had a good time with Hop's Dad, his brothers and their wives.
To top it all off halfway during the year we decided we might sell our little place here and get more land and a bigger house, so we gave the place a coat of paint and a good clean up. It took a few weeks but it was looking pretty good. We asked a friend in Real Estate to come out and take some pics (Thurs), the day after he came (Fri) they rang saying they wanted to bring someone through the following day (Sat), so by that afternoon we had an offer! Three whole days and it was sold! So, we will be busy packing in January as we need to be out mid Feb! 

So there it is! Life has been hectic and will continue to be so in 2018! I will still continue to blog where I can and as often as I can. I already have a few books that I've read in 2017, that will kick off 2018, but I may not schedule them until late Jan. I also managed to snag a few good reads for Christmas that I cannot wait to dive into!

Anyway peeps, I hope you all manage to bring 2018 in style! From my family to yours, be safe and I hope you have a happy and healthy 2018!

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