Swoon Thursday #51 – With All My Soul By Rachel Vincent

Swoon Thursday is a super HOT meme created by the fabulous girls over at YA Bound.

With All My Soul
By Rachel Vincent
Soul Screamers #7
Published  April 5th 2013 by Mira Ink 
(first published March 26th 2013)

I finally took the plunge and finished the Soul Screamers series.... *sniffs* And I must say it was a perfect ending!! I was on the edge of my seat all the way through and I picked out this Swoon for you, it is a perfect moment, but I'm not going to say where in the book that it actually happens *wink*. Enjoy!!

I slid my fingers into his hair, and his curls were the softest thing I ever felt. He smelled so good – so sweet and clean – and he felt so good, so I kissed my way down his jaw until I found his mouth, then I kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him some more. And finally I had to make myself stop before I devoured him whole, because I was starving………

Here's how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog! I want to know & so do the chicks at YABound!

Did you get swooned this week? Please leave a comment below with your Swoon link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Thursday!!