Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up #47

Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. I’ll share news, post a recap of the past week and tell you what will be happening on my blog in the week ahead. I will also tell you about the books and goodies that I have managed to pick up.
I have had a busy week reading this week, I’ve motored through a lot of books and I have been able to get ahead again… I have cut back a bit on tours and soon I am going to attack my book pile in my room!! Yay!!

I also discovered that jumping on the trampoline with my kiddies is a lot different at my age now compared to when I was 10, but it was still fun!!

Review ~ Blood Myth by Stacy A Moran
Spotlight ~ Dark Secrets by AM Hudson
Review ~ Heartbeat by Faith Sullivan
Review ~ Drowning in You by Rebecca Berto
Review ~ The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken



(Frigid #1)

by J. Lynn, Jennifer L. Armentrout 
Harlequin Australia


by Nicola Marsh

The Mistress

(The Original Sinners #4)




(Stage Dive #1)

I won this book from Ella Frank!! Thank you so much!!


(Exquisite #3)

by Ella Frank

There is only a couple of days left to enter my Bloggiversary Giveaway!! It has been fun and I have spread the word about some amazing authors! I hope you have had a chance to enter!! 

Giveaway Link -

There are still some giveaways running… Click on the links at the top of the blog to enter!

What do you did you get up to last week? Pick up any goodies? Please leave a comment below with your link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Week!!