Author: J.C. Mells
Series: Pierced #1
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Imagine the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets Betty Crocker.
That's Pierce in a nutshell.
Pierce has been on the run for two years from the man who held her captive in a vampire compound for almost a decade. Life on the run would be a lot simpler if she didn't suffer from several social disorders and 'quirks', have a ten-year-old brat in tow, as well as have two characters from a 1945 classic film living in her head and guiding her at every turn.
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I picked up Pierced after the author, J.C. Mells, contacted me about her book being free for download. I read the blurb and thought, what the heck, and I grabbed it while I could. Pierced is a great start to the Pierced series and J.C. Mells has built this series up to be something spectacular.
Mia and Pierce escaped from Dorian with the help of Oscar a few years ago and the girls have been on their own for the past year. They scrape by and try to keep under the radar until one day a cowboy and a guy in a pink shirt turn up looking for her. Shortly after, they are on the run again as Pierce will do anything she can to keep Mia and herself out of Dorian’s clutches.
Pierce is a complicated character. She is highly intelligent and at times witty but she keeps everything hidden under all the Piercings and clothes that she wears. Her mother told her that she has Asperger’s, and she has also self diagnosed herself with Bipolar and Schizophrenia. She spends a lot of time having conversations with the Pierce girls in her head Mildred and Veda. Sometimes the conversations are hilarious, where at other times the girls are rational and help Pierce sort her thoughts out. Pierce also has a passion for cooking, which is one thing I don’t!! I cook enough to put food on the table when needed, where as Pierce uses it as a way to keep calm.
With all this going on she has also had a very unpleasant childhood. Her mother was not a very good parent and in the end managed to get them mixed up in the Vampire world. On her 11th birthday, things became a lot worse, so bad no child should ever go through, or any person for that matter. I was shattered when I learnt this news, but I was also able to understand the depth of hate that Pierce has for the villain, Dorian, and why she will go to the ends of the earth to protect her companion, Mia.
When I began reading the book I found it a little hard to get into as there wasn’t a lot of dialogue; unless you count the conversations in her head. We learn about Pierce, what happened to her as she grew up and the circumstances surrounding their escape. The second half of the book is much better when some other characters are introduced and I was swept away in the plot and at times, the action. I had my suspicions about certain things and the longer I read the more excited I became about what was unravelling. In the end I was unable to put the book down and when I flicked to the final page I wanted to throw my iPad!! The author touches on some dark issues, which not everyone would like to read about, but I thought she was able to do it tastefully, even in a Paranormal world. It has a bit of an abrupt ending, but I am hooked now and I want to see Pierce kick Dorian’s ass!!
I received a copy of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review.