Written with Regret by Aly Martinez ~ Review & Teaser (@AlyMartinezAuth)

I was so excited to start another book by Aly Martinez, as it had been a long time since I read her work. This was a fantastic beginning to this duet, and I couldn't hold back on picking up the sequel immediatley! Title: Written with RegretAuthor: Aly MartinezSeries: The Regret Duet #1Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: May 23rd 2019 Buy...
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Johnny by J.A. Huss ~ Review & Teaser (@jahuss)

The first two books in the Bossy Brothers series blew me away! I was so excited to get into the third book to see more to the broody elder brother in the family. This read was good, but didn't blow me away like the first two. Title: JohnnyAuthor: J.A. HussSeries: Bossy Brothers #3Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: September 25th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon...
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Joey by J.A. Huss ~ Review & Teaser (@jahuss)

Aftrer reading the first book in the Bossy Brothers series, you bet your ass that I jumped into the second one immediately, and boy was this a scorching read!  Title: JoeyAuthor: J.A. HussSeries: Bossy Brothers #2Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: July 29th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Six years before my phone rang and...
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Jesse by J.A. Huss ~ Review & Teaser (@jahuss)

It’s been a while since I’ve read JA Huss, so I decided it was about time that I got back on board! Jesse is that start of a new series, where the storyline’s tie together through different characters. It was an exciting beginning, and I can’t wait for more!Title: JesseAuthor: J.A. HussSeries: Bossy Brothers #1Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished:...
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