Ruin by Clarissa Wild ~ Review & Teaser (@WildClarissa)

Ruin by Clarissa Wild was released last week and it was such a touching read! I wish I brought this review to you earlier, because you can tell it was an emotional book to write for the author! Title: Ruin Author: Clarissa Wild Genre: New Adult Romance Published: September 20th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo Maybell...
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Stroked Long by Meghan Quinn ~ Review & Swoon Thursday (@AuthorMegQuinn, @wordsmithpublic)

After reading Stroked, I knew I had to continue the series. Thank goodness there's a limited amount of Bellini, because I don't think I could handle more of her! But Bodi Banks... he's just the best! I loved his quiet and quirky nature! Title: Stroked Long Author: Meghan Quinn Series: Stroked #2 Genre: Sports Contemporary Romance Published:...
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Waiting On Wednesday #212 – Bedmates / Unblemished (@NicholeChase, @SaraEllaWrites)

It's been a while since I've read some of Nichole Chase's work, and her upcoming novel sounds like an emotional journey. The cover to Unblemished is beautiful! And you know I like a good fantasy! Title: Bedmates Author: Nichole Chase Series: American Royalty #1 Genre: NA Contemporary Romance Expected Publication: October...
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For the Love of English by A.M. Hargrove ~ Review & Teaser Tuesday (@Amhargrove1)

I've become a quick fan of A.M. Hargrove and her latest book made me fall in love with her work once again! Beckley... this guy will make any girl swoon, because... SINGLE DAD! You know you need to meet him too! Title: For the Love of English Author: A.M. Hargrove Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 15th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon |...
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Wild Reckless by Ginger Scott ~ Audiobook Review & Quote-tastic (@TheGingerScott)

Wild Reckless takes us back to high school, where our main character Kensi has to start her senior year at a new school. There are many hurdles for her to get over, but who thought she'd find love!  Title: Wild Reckless Author: Ginger Scott Series: Harper Boys #1 Genre: Mature YA Contemporary Romance Published: March 17th 2015 Buy...
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Playboy Pilot by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland ~ Excerpt & Giveaway (@ViKeeland, @PenelopeAuthor, @RSofRomance)

Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland have released their latest joint project, Playboy Pilot! You need to check out the excerpt... boy is it hot! I know I need to get my hands on Carter! Title: Playboy Pilot Author: Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 19th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon |...
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