Audiobook Review ~ The Art of Hiding by Amanda Prowse

The Art of HidingThe Art of Hiding by Amanda Prowse
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is not the kind of book I usually read, but after reading the blurb, I thought this would be a good book to listen to. I found that it certainly was!! It was full of heartache, hurt and learning how to move on.

It was so hard for Nina to not only uproot her life but those of her kids, Connor and Declan. They were living in luxury and had to learn how to live with the bare minimum. It was difficult for the three of them, trying to find balance without the luxuries they used to have. I also liked that Nina was given a chance at something new and that she was able to thrive.

Nina’s sister Tiggy was great. She pushed Nina to make choices and to see that she was better than the rich housewife that she was. Their relationship grew and it was sweet to see how much they relied on one another. I liked the change for all of them, it was difficult, but they all grew into better people. It was a truly a moving read, and was a fantastic book to listen to.

Title: The Art of Hiding
Author: Amanda Prowse
Genre: Chick Lit
Published: July 18, 2017

What would you do if you learned that the life you lived was a lie?

Nina McCarrick lives the perfect life, until her husband, Finn, is killed in a car accident and everything Nina thought she could rely on unravels.

Alone, bereft and faced with a mountain of debt, Nina quickly loses her life of luxury and she begins to question whether she ever really knew the man she married. Forced to move out of her family home, Nina returns to the rundown Southampton council estate—and the sister—she thought she had left far behind.

But Nina can’t let herself be overwhelmed—her boys need her. To save them, and herself, she will have to do what her husband discouraged for so pursue a career of her own. Torn between the life she thought she knew and the reality she now faces, Nina finally must learn what it means to take control of her life.

Bestselling author Amanda Prowse once again plumbs the depths of human experience in this stirring and empowering tale of one woman’s loss and love.

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