Review ~ My So-Called Sex Life by Lauren Blakely

My So-Called Sex Life (How to Date, #1)My So-Called Sex Life by Lauren Blakely
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a good read, however didn’t blow me away. I was a little confused at first until I understood that these two actually had a bit of history. I liked the way the story unfolded and could see their relationship growing into something stronger. Hazel was coming off a bad relationship and Axel seemed to be hiding part of himself from Hazel. I liked how they slowly rebuilt their friendship, into something more.

There was good banter between the characters and the chemistry between them grew throughout the read. It was interesting see them take jabs at one another about their writing. The train and travelling aspect was a lot of fun. They made some friendships on their trip and I liked how their little fan group turned into genuine friends.

Title: My So-Called Sex Life
Author: Lauren Blakely
Series: How to Date #1
Genre: March 1, 2023
Published: Contemporary Romance

I’ve got a list of people I absolutely don’t ever want to be stuck with on a boat, or a plane, or a train, and it starts and ends with the broody, grumpy, too-sexy-for-my-own good Axel Huxley.

Also known as this romance novelist’s number one nemesis.

The man is legendary for his mighty pen and his even mightier scowl. I tried to work together with the cocky thriller writer once upon a time, but the two of us are like vodka and good decisions. We don’t play well together.

Only now, our publishers are sending us on a joint trip across Europe to mingle with our most devoted readers on an old-fashioned luxury train. And thanks to a booking snafu, we have to share a sleeper car.

You guessed it--there's only one bed.

I'm not sure I can survive the next seven days and nights with my dangerously sexy enemy and all our fiery tension.

Which explodes one night in a desperately needed hate bang.

But the bigger plot twist is this – the more time we spend together, visiting the most romantic cities in Europe by day and discovering each other at night, the more I’m forced to face our past.

To let go of the hurt.

To see the man he’s become.

And when I do, I wonder if it’s too late to write a new happy ending for us?

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