Austin by Lauren Runow and Jeannine Colette ~ Review & Swoon Thursday (@LaurenRunow @jeannineColett @wordsmithpublic)

I'm loving this new series by a new writing duo Lauren Runow and Jeannine Colette. I was introduced to two of the Sexton brother's and I know I'm going to enjoy each of their stories! Title: Austin Author: Lauren Runow and Jeannine Colette Series: Sexton Brothers #1 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 20th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon...
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All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover ~ Review & Quote-tastic (@colleenhoover, @SimonSchusterAU)

What an amazing read All Your Perfects was! It's a book that touches your soul and has you seeing your own life a little differently. I loved watching Quinn and Graham fall for one another in the past, and I shed a tear as they struggled in the present!  Title: All Your Perfects Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Contemporary Romance Published:...
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