Bad Teacher by Clarissa Wild ~ Review, Giveaway & Swoon Thursday (@WildClarissa, @GiveMeBooksBlog)

Want something a little taboo and kinky? You need to try Bad Teacher! I really enjoyed this story and meeting Thomas. He had secrets, and they were heartbreaking!  Title: Bad Teacher Author: Clarissa Wild Genre: Erotic Romance Published: June 28th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |...
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Waiting On Wednesday # 199 – Hitched: Volume One / The Argument (@KendallRyan1, @PepperWinters)

I'm going through a romantic comedy phase at the moment, and Hitched sounds like a must have for me! The Argument sounds interesting... maybe a little darker, but I need it regardless! Title: Hitched: Volume One Author: Kendall Ryan Series: Imperfect Love #1 Genre: Romantic Comedy Expected Publication: July 5th 2016 Marry...
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Rake's Redemption by Chantal Fernando ~ Review, Giveaway & Teaser Tuesday (@ChantalFernando, @FMR_BG)

Rake's book is finally here! I have been eager to get my hands on this one! Rake has been a character that I've loved from the very beginning! Title: Rake's Redemption Author: Chantal Fernando Series: Wind Dragons MC #4 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: June 28th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon | B&N | Kobo In...
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Fighting Silence by Aly Martinez ~ Review & Quote-tastic (@AlyMartinezAuth)

You know I love a good fighting book, but this book had a deeper storyline that hooked me from the beginning. It was sweet to see these friends grow into something more, and having to deal with elements they couldn't control! Title: Fighting Silence Author: Aly Martinez Narrator: Laura Jennings Series: On the Ropes #1 Genre: NA Contemporary...
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Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up 189 ~ Sad

Well... I'm still sick, but the hubby is worse, he's been off to the doctor a few times now. I finally bit the bullet and went to the doctors too, because I can't get my voice back, and the doctor said I had something viral, stuck in my throat!We had a sad week too. Our dog died this week, we've had her for 10 and a half years. She went pretty...
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