Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up 181 – Struggling!

I have really struggled this week... I haven't been able to get back into the swing of things at all. We did have a public holiday on Monday, and a few things on over the weekend, so it could be just that. I will try harder to catch up next week. I will come visiting, I promise! I might even schedule some posts, right now I have done until the...
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The Randy Romance Novelist by Meghan Quinn ~ Spotlight & Teasers (@authormegquinn, @wordsmithpublic)

The Randy Romance Novelist by Meghan Quinn was released April 16th and today I'm sharing a couple of quirky teasers from the book. The first book was so much fun and I'm sure this follow up read will be too!  Title: The Randy Romance Novelist Author: Meghan Quinn Genre: Romantic Comedy Published: April 12th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon |...
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Beat by Amity Cross ~ Review & Swoon Thursday (@amitycross)

I have finally picked up an Amity Cross book... and have found a new author that I love! I love the characters that's she's created and I'm excited to continue the journey! Title: Beat Author: Amity Cross Series: The Beat and the Pulse #1 Genre: Sports Contemporary Romance Published: October 6th 2014 Buy Now - Amazon | B&N | Kobo Renee...
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Waiting On Wednesday # 190 – Mister Org@sm / Ruined

Honestly, that cover and title sold me on Mister Org@sm... look at it, you know you want it too! I am also lining the sound of Ruined, by new to me author Amy Tintera, I don't have enough fantasy reads in my life right now... :(  Title: Mister Org@sm Author: Lauren Blakely Genre: Contemporary Romance Expected...
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The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead ~ Review & Teaser Tuesday (@RichelleMead, @PenguinTeenAus)

Penguin Teen Australia sent me this little beauty while I was away, so it was the first book that I devoured on my return! It was a good read and I look forward to more stories from this world! Title: The Glittering Court Author: Richelle Mead Series: The Glittering Court #1 Genre: YA Fantasy Published: April 12th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon |...
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One Week Girlfriend by Monica Murphy ~ Review & Quote-tastic (@MsMonicaMurphy)

It has been a long time, but I have finally picked up One Week Girlfriend. This series has been on my radar for a long time, and I've finally taken the plunge! Title: One Week Girlfriend Author: Monica Murphy Series: One Week Girlfriend #1, Drew + Fable #1 Genre: NA Contemporary Romance Published: August 27th 2013 Buy Now...
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