My Accidental Forever by Alexis Winter ~ Review & Teaser (@alexis_author)

Alexis Winter is an author that I have picked up recently, and I am really enjoying her light and amusing worlds. My Accidental Forever was an entertaining read where both characters fall for one another after a visit to jail and an accidental marriage! Title: My Accidental ForeverAuthor: Alexis WinterSeries: Love You ForeverGenre: Contemporary...
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Not Pretending Anymore by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland ~ Review & Teaser (@PenelopeAuthor, @ViKeeland)

I really enjoyed this read and how Declan weasled his way into Molly's apartment and her life. They were such good friends that turned into something more, it was so entertaining to read about! Title: Not Pretending AnymoreAuthor: Penelope Ward and Vi KeelandGenre: Contemporary RomancePublished: April 10th 2021 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon...
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Sick Heart by J.A. Huss ~ Review & Teaser (@jahuss)

I always love a read that J.A. Huss delivers and this one was quite a sizzling and action packed read. I loved getting to know Cort and Anya and I look forward to more reads from this particular part of her world! Title: Sick HeartAuthor: J.A. HussGenre: Dark Sports RomancePublished: March 28th 2021 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus DARK...
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