Heartache Duet by Jay McLean ~ Review (@JayMcLeanAuthor)

This was such a fabulous duet and I enjoyed watching Ava and Connor's relationship grow. It was such an emotional riddled read and I could not get enough. Title: Heartache and HopeAuthor: Jay McLeanSeries: Heartache Duet #1Genre: Sports RomancePublished: June 26th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Ava Diaz needs saving. She just doesn’t...
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Dirty Empire Series by Nina West ~ Review (@kathleenatucker)

Nina West / KA Tucker is a favourite author of mine, and I have put off reading this series for a long time. I am kicking myself that I have waited this long, it was so good! This series was supposed to be a trilogy, but there is a forth book coming... Title: Sweet MercyAuthor: Nina WestSeries: Dirty Empire #1Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished:...
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Condemned to Love by Siobhan Davis ~ Review & Teaser (@siobhandavis)

This was one crazy ride and I am kicking myself that I haven't picked up Siobhan Davis' work before! I was in suspense and intrigued by the world she created! Title: Condemned to LoveAuthor: Siobhan Davis Genre: Dark Contemporary RomancePublished: January 31st 2021 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Her teen crush is now a ruthless killer...
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Next In Line by Amy Daws ~ Review & Teaser (@amydawsauthor)

I am quickly falling in love this series and Daws world building! I was super excited to get into Sam's book and to meet Maggie! Title: Next In LineAuthor: Amy DawsSeries: Wait With Me #2Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: November 27th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus What happens when the cute mountain man you made out with in an...
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Wait With Me by Amy Daws ~ Review & Teaser (@amydawsauthor)

I have been looking at this book for a while and decided to pick it up and I was not disappointed! It was an entertaining and amusing read, as Miles and Kate fell for one another at the tire depot! Title: Wait With MeAuthor: Amy DawsSeries: Wait With Me #1Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: March 20th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon...
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