Bad at Love by Karina Halle ~ Review & Teaser (@MetalBlonde)

Another week, another Karina Halle read, and once again it was another unique and interesting romance that I was swept away in. She's one of my favourite authors, and everytime she puts out a book you can guarantee that I'm going to pick it up.  Title: Bad at LoveAuthor: Karina HalleGenre: Contemporary RomancePublished: November 14th 2017 Buy...
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The Worst Best Man by Lucy Score ~ Review & Teaser (@lucyscorewrites)

After reading my first Lucy Score book, I knew I had to try some more of her work. The Worst Best Man sounded like a catastrophe waiting to happen, so I dived right in! Title: The Worst Best ManAuthor: Lucy ScoreGenre: Contemporary RomancePublished: February 9th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus "Newsflash. You don't buy me, a$#%^*e....
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Off Limits by M.S. Parker ~ Review & Teaser

I hadn't read anything by M.S. Parker before, and I decided to begin with Off Limits. It was a good start to the series that continues through the rest of the books. Title: Off LimitsAuthor: M.S. ParkerSeries: The Scottish Billionaire #1Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: July 2020 (first published May 9th 2020) Buy Now - Amazon US...
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Two Weeks Notice by Whitney G. ~ Review & Teaser (@Whitgracia)

This was a lot of fun! I loved the love/hate chemistry between Tara and Preston. For my first Whitney G read, I was left more than impressed! Title: Two Weeks NoticeAuthor: Whitney G.Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: July 19th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to formally announce...
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Black Tangled Heart by Samantha Young ~ Review & Teaser (#SamanthaYoung)

I am loving reading Samantha Young right now! Every time she creates an amazing world that you can get lost in! Title: Black Tangled Heart Author: Samantha YoungSeries: Play On #3Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: May 15th 2020 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus To my siblings, Jane was a friend. A pseudo-sister, the girl we grew...
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As Dust Dances by Samantha Young ~ Review & Teaser (#SamanthaYoung)

I really enjoy reading Samantha Young's work, and As Dust Dances was such a good read! I loved watching Skylar and Killian build a connection through her music. Title: As Dust DancesAuthor: Samantha YoungSeries: Play On #2Genre: Contemporary RomancePublished: April 16th 2020 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Once upon a time I was a pop-rock...
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Hands Down by Mariana Zapata ~ Review & Teaser (@marianazapata_)

Mariana Zapata is my go to author when I want a well fleshed out story, with intense characters who build a slow romance. This one was a good read, but certainly not my favourite Zapata book. Title: Hands DownAuthor: Mariana ZapataGenre: Sports Contemporary RomancePublished: July 2nd 2020 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Before...
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