Close to Me by Monica Murphy ~ Review & Teaser(@MsMonicaMurphy)

This was a sweet read, watching young love blossom throughout high school. It wasn't all smooth sailing, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching Autumn and Ash fight to find happiness. Title: Close to Me Author: Monica Murphy Genre: NA Contemporary Romance Published: February 11th 2020 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Asher...
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In the Unlikely Event by L.J. Shen ~ Review & Teaser (@lj_shen)

This was certainly an interesting read. It was entertaining, angsty and not something to take too seriously. Title: In the Unlikely Event Author: L.J. Shen Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: November 17th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus Sometimes you meet people who are out of this world, so you make them a...
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Rebel Heart by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward ~ Review & Teaser (@ViKeeland, @PenelopeAuthor)

Rebel Heart is part of a duo, so don't pick up this one if you haven't read the first book, Rebel Heir. It was a good sequel to the series and I was happy with how it all wrapped up. Title: Rebel Heart Author: Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland Series: Rush Duet #2 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: May 22nd 2018 Buy Now...
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Rebel Heir by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward ~ Review & Teaser

I am still oving my Kindle Unlimited subscription, and grabbing reads from authors that I love. Rebel Heir was a good start to the Rush Duet series. I enjoyed the banter between Gia and Rush, and watching them face each hurdle together. I'll be grabbing the sequle immediately! Title: Rebel Heir Author: Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward Series:...
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Thin Air by Rachel Caine ~ Review & Teaser (@rachelcaine)

I picked up Thin Air immediately after finishing Firestorm as I was emotionally wrecked, and I needed to see the story continue. It was exciting, action packed and it still tugged on my emotions for not only Jo, but David and Lewis too. Title: Thin Air Author: Rachel Caine Series: Weather Warden #6 Genre: Urban Fantasy Published:...
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