Torian by Eden Summers ~ Review & Teaser (@EdenSummers1)

I've read each of the books in this series, but this one is definitely my favourite! Torian was a definite badass, and was the perfect match for Anissa. I enjoyed the suspense and the romance and I truly hope we get more from this world! Title: Torian Author: Eden Summers Series: Hunting Her #3 Genre: Romantic Suspense Published: May...
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The Billionaire Book Club by Max Monroe ~ Review & Teaser (@authormaxmonroe)

I haven't read anything by Max Monroe before, so I was excited to give this writing duo a go. I was pleasantly surprised as to how much I enjoyed this one! I liked meeting all the characters and the amusing situations that they got themselves into! Title: The Billionaire Book Club Author: Max Monroe Genre: Contemporary Romance Published:...
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The Stopover by T.L. Swan ~ Review & Teaser (@TLSwanAuthor)

It's been a while since I read anything by T.L. Swan, so when I stumbled upon this one, I had to give it a go. It was an ok read, not the blow-me-away read I was hoping for. Title: The Stopover Author: T.L. Swan Series: The Miles High Club #1 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 26th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon...
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Broken Knight by L.J. Shen ~ Review & Teaser (@lj_shen)

After I read this book, I realised it was the second book in the series. It can be read as a standalone, as it features a new couple. This read was quite angsty, but I enjoyed it regardless. Title: Broken Knight Author: L.J. Shen Series: All Saints High #2 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: August 17th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon...
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More of You by A.L. Jackson ~ Review & Teaser (@aljacksonauthor)

It's been a while since I read anything by A.L. Jackson, so I decided to give More of You a try. It was an intense and sweet read, but I wasn't blown away like I hoped I would be. Title: More of You Author: A.L. Jackson Series: Confessions of the Heart #1 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 19th 2018 (first published...
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