The (Half) Truth by Leddy Harper ~ Review & Teaser (@LeddyHarper)

This is another new-to-me author thanks to my Kindle Unlimited subscription. This one was quite fun and I enjoyed Leddy Harper's writing and the characters she created. I hope to pick up more of her work soon! Title: The (Half) Truth Author: Leddy Harper Genre: Romance Published: February 19th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon...
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Coldhearted Boss by R.S. Grey ~ Review & Teaser (@AuthorRSGrey)

I was a little surprised as to how much I enjoyed this read. I hadn't read R.S. Grey before, and honestly, I don't know what has taken me so long to try her work. I enjoyed meeting the characters and the amusing antics they got up to!  Title: Coldhearted Boss Author: R.S. Grey Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: June 6th 2019 Buy...
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War Storm by Victoria Aveyard ~ Review & Teaser (@VictoriaAveyard, @harperteen)

Well, I finally made it! I picked up the final book to see how the journey ended. So much happened and it was action packed right up to the final chapters! I hope that we can come back to this world again one day! Title: War Storm Author: Victoria Aveyard Series: Red Queen #4 Genre: YA Fantasy Published: May 15th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon...
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Undeniable by Melanie Harlow ~ Review & Teaser (#MelanieHarlow)

I've read a few of Melanie Harlow's books, so when a new read pops up, I try to give it a whirl! This one was a sweet read featuring a great cast of characters! Title: Undeniable Author: Melanie Harlow Series: Cloverleigh Farms #2 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: May 20th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus When...
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The Rebel of Raleigh High by Callie Hart ~ Review & Teaser (@_callie_hart)

This is the first time I have picked up a book by Callie Hart, and I can tell you that it won't be the last! I loved meeting the characters and the way that Hart moved me with her intense storyline and beautiful writing! She is a master and I want more!  Title: The Rebel of Raleigh High Author: Callie Hart Series: Raleigh Rebels...
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