Fool Me Once by Nicole Williams ~ Review & Teaser (@nwilliamsbooks)

I picked this one up after reading another of Nicole Williams reads, and lets just say I love this cover, so of course I was drawn to it. Fool Me Once was a cute read and I enjoyed getting to know Chase and Emma. Title: Fool Me Once Author: Nicole Williams Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: January 14th 2019 Buy Now - Amazon...
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Sweet Thing by J.A. Huss ~ Review & Teaser (@jahuss)

This is the second book in the Naughty Things series, and although I haven't read any of the other books in the series, I quite enjoyed this standalone read. It was fun and sexy and I cannot wait for more!  Title: Sweet Thing Author: J.A. Huss Series: Naughty Things #2 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: April 28th 2019 Buy...
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Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata ~ Review & Teaser (@marianazapata_)

I'm really enjoying Mariana Zapata's books, each one hooks me and I loved meeting Luna and Rip! They were perfect for one another, it just took time for them to work it out! Title: Luna and the Lie Author: Mariana Zapata Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: December 12th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus The...
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Plan B by Jana Aston ~ Review & Teaser (@JanaAston)

It's about time we got a new Jana Aston book, so you know I devoured it when I got it! However, it's taken me a little while to get my review up, so here it is! Title: Plan B Author: Jana Aston Series: Best Laid Plans #2 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: July 2nd 2019 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus | B&N | Kobo Mistakes...
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A Nordic King by Karina Halle ~ Review & Teaser (@MetalBlonde)

I've been keen to get my hands on Askel's book... and it was a lot different than I thought it would be. It was a little darker and intense, but I still enjoyed it! Title: A Nordic King Author: Karina Halle Series: Royal Romance #3 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: September 20th 2018 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus...
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