The Wrong Kind of Love by Lexi Ryan ~ Review & Teaser (@writerlexiryan)

I found this on Netgalley the other day, and since I haven't read anything by Lexi Ryan in a while, I snatched it up! It was a fun read, but I could see it was going to backfire on poor Nic! Title: The Wrong Kind of Love Author: Lexi Ryan Series: The Boys of Jackson Harbor #1 Genre: Contemporary Romance Published: February 12th 2018 Buy...
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King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard ~ Review & Teaser (@VictoriaAveyard, @harperteen)

I devoured this one as soon as I finished the second book. I was so keen to see what happened after the dramatic ending, and I was not disappointed! Title: King's Cage Author: Victoria Aveyard Series: Red Queen #3 Genre: YA Fantasy Published: February 7th 2017 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus | B&N | Kobo In...
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Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard ~ Review & Teaser (@VictoriaAveyard, @harperteen)

I am glad that I jumped back into this world again. It was very exciting and intense especially in the second half of the book! Title: Glass Sword Author: Victoria Aveyard Series: Red Queen #2 Genre: YA Fantasy Published: February 9th 2016 Buy Now - Amazon US | Amazon Aus | B&N | Kobo If there’s...
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Wait for It by Mariana Zapata ~ Review (@marianazapata_)

Mariana Zapata is a new to me author, and I can tell you now that I'll be reading more of her work in the future! She has a fabulous way of developing her worlds and introduced me to characters that are loyal and passionate! I loved meeting Diana and Dallas! They were sweet and perfect together! Title: Wait for It Author: Mariana Zapata Genre:...
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Decker by Eden Summers ~ Review (@EdenSummers1)

If you didn't know, Eden Summers is an Australian author that I simply adore! Each time I read one of her books I am swept away with her words, the characters and the situations they are in! Decker was action packed, intense and a little spicy... everything I need in a read! Title: Decker Author: Eden Summers Genre: Romantic Suspense Published:...
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