
Mr. Corporate by J.A. Huss ~ Review, Giveaway & Swoon Thursday (@jahuss, @XpressoTours)

This was a thrilling and sizzling third book in the Misters series! It was just what I expect from J.A.Huss, and now I am on edge waiting for the next book to see what happens next!
Mr. Corporate (Mister, #3)
Title: Mr. Corporate
Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Mister #3
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Published: August 17th 2016

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Weston Conrad is the best headhunter in the business. That handsome smile goes a long way towards convincing most people to trust him with their future.

I’m not most people. I’m his direct competition. And it doesn’t hurt to be just the kind of woman he’s been looking for.

I’m gonna flash you these legs, Weston Conrad.

I’m gonna wear low-cut shirts and micro-mini skirts.

I’m gonna dazzle you with wit and conversation and kiss those lips like they’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for.

So don’t hate me when you figure out my secret.

You understand, right? You’re Mr. Corporate and this is just business.

Now that's what I'm talking about! The type of twisted, intense read, with plenty of sexy moments, that I expect from J.A. Huss! In Mr. Corporate, I was introduced to the next couple in this developing nightmare that seems to never end! It was a second chance romance for Mr. Corporate (Weston Conrad) and Victoria Aris (Tori), who have history together since the incident 10 years ago.

From the beginning I could see that Victoria was struggling financially and was willing to accept any job offer. She was soon battling to win the contract against her ex, West. I loved how she was willing to do anything to get the information she needed: she was feisty, sneaky and used her assets where she could. However, nothing prepared her for being stuck with West alone.

Weston was determined to succeed as well, and after everything that had happened between them, he wasn't about to let Victoria win. I liked that they both were strong, independent characters and neither would back down from a challenge. They seemed to rehash the same fights over and over, which made it difficult for either of them to move on. They had more in common than they realised; they both had troubled pasts, and were trying their hardest to move past them, but it seems their demons have come back to haunt them.

I love the way that J.A. Huss built up this story. I could see that their old feelings were rekindling, but there was an aspect of danger there... gradually growing! West and Tori were scorching once they stopped over thinking everything and gave into their desires. But there were so many other unanswered questions they needed to deal with. There was some name dropping too, so those of us that have read other books by Huss may have squealed, just like me! Mr. Corporate was a crazy ride with steamy scenes and plenty of twists to keep you guessing. The story is far from over and I cannot wait for more!

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.
*** Swoon Thursday was first bought to us by YA Bound. Since they are no longer with us, and with permission from Trisha Wolfe, I have decided that those of us that love to swoon need a central meet up point.  So here it is ladies! I have a link up for everyone at the bottom of the post you can add your swoons to, and I’ll set it up every week! So tell all other swooners out there to come on over, link up so we can visit each other! ***

This was so sweet! I loved that West was telling Tori just what he wanted!

“I think I’ll keep you forever, Miss Arias,” I say, when she takes a breath. “I think I own you.”
“Don’t be a caveman, Mr. Conrad. You know I’m nobody’s property.”
“You’re wrong,” I say, starting to pump her harder. “You’ve always been mine and you know it.

Kindle Arc Loc 1697
Originally inspired by YA Bound
JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

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Other reviews featuring JA Huss
Mister series
Mr. Perfect #1

Mr. Romantic #2
Rook and Ronin series
Tragic #1
Manic #2
Panic #3
Happily Ever After #3.5

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