
Release Day Blitz/Giveaway ~ Coming for You by J.A. Huss

Title: Coming for You
Author: J.A. Huss
Series: Dirty, Dark, and Deadly #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: November 19th 2014

James, Harper, and Sasha are products of their environment. Born into a secret organization that runs a global shadow government, and taught to kill since they were small, they find themselves both indispensable and expendable to all the people they used to trust.

Twenty-eight year old James Fenici has been an assassin since he was sixteen. He’s amassed debts and favors from countless Company brothers and participated in hundreds of Company jobs. But there are not enough favors in the world to clear his debt and make him worthy of the only girl he’s ever wanted.

Eighteen year old Harper Tate is the girl who doesn’t exist. Born and raised on a megayacht in a tropical paradise, she was destined to be a secret until now. No history, no records, and manipulated into having no opinions or ambition of her own, Harper is suddenly presented with more choices than she can handle.

Thirteen year old Sasha Cherlin is the girl who knows everything and understands nothing at all. Her future is filled with vengeance and death, but her dreams are filled with hope and a promise. A promise who no longer wants her.

The game is on, the pieces are in place, and the players have everything to lose. But who can you trust when everyone’s a traitor?
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“I want us to run away,” she whispers, nuzzling her head into my neck.
Our lovemaking mood is broken, so I just hold her for a moment. “You have to trust me. I can’t be responsible for everyone, Harp. But I can be responsible for us.”
“Something bad is gonna happen. I feel it. And then I’ll be all alone.”
“I promise,” I say, bringing her hand to my mouth and kissing it. “I promise to live. I promise to be there for you when this is over.”
She struggles under my embrace and climbs on top of me. My cock is still hard, but she pumps it a few times to see if I’m still interested.
I am. So I wrap my large hands around her tiny waist, and place her over top of me, urging her to begin. She eases down slowly. Then lifts up. “I don’t believe you. I don’t think you should make promises you can’t keep. And if you die, James. I will die with you. Even if I live, I will die with you.”
“Stop,” I chastise her. “I don’t want to hear that kind of talk.” I play with the blonde strands of hair that are falling down the side of her frowning face. She’s not convinced. “I came back for you, didn’t I? I promised to come back and I did. And it’s only been nine days. I’m early, baby. I over-delivered.”
That makes her smile a little and my hands reach around to cup her ass, lifting her and letting her drop as she slowly rides my cock. Her long hair brushes against my chest and sends chills up my whole body. I fucking love this girl.
“Hold on,” I tell her, grabbing her waist again and flipping us over. She spills out onto the sheets beneath me. Her legs wide and ready, wrapped around my hips. Her arms around my neck. “I want to fuck you from behind.”
“I want you to fuck me any way you want.”
I lean down and kiss her pretty lips. Biting the lower one just enough to make her squeal. And then I rise up on my elbow and knees to give her space to turn. “Face down on the bed, Harper.”
She looks me in the eye as she flips, and when her hips are up in the air, and my thick cock is dangling over her ass, I push her legs closed and lay down across her back. My dick squeezes between her cheeks, seeking out her pussy. She gasps when I enter, thrusting hard. I reach in front of her and find her slit, my fingertips rubbing her clit hard. Making her pussy wetter and wetter. Driving her wild and sending her bucking and moaning. I cup my hand around her mouth, forcing her to quiet down, and then I pump my cock into her, over and over, my balls slapping against her wet sex.
When I know she’s almost there, I pull her hair. I make her back arch up and her head fall back. Her little mouth in easy reach.
And I kiss her.
I kiss her hard.
I kiss her like I’ve never kissed a woman before in my life.
I wrap my hand around her throat and squeeze her chin so there’s no possible way for her to stop this kiss.
And then when I feel the walls of her pussy clamping down on my cock, I pound her one last time, until I come inside her. Spilling my seed deep in her womb, until I collapse on top of her back, all sweaty and sticky with her sex and her scent.
“Never,” I whisper, my eyes closing from the days of travel and work.
Harper squirms under me until I let her out, and then she angles her body into mine. Her head resting on my arm. Her hands tucked up underneath her chin. “Never what?” she asks, sleepily.
“You have always been mine, Harper Tate. You have always been mine and I will never let him have you.”

J. A. Huss likes to write new adult books that make you think and keep you guessing. Her favorite genre to read is space opera, but since practically no one reads those books, she writes new adult science fiction, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and books about Junco (who refuses to be saddled with a label).

She has an undergraduate degree in horses, (yes, really–Thank you, Colorado State University) and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology from the University of Florida. She used to have a job driving around Colorado doing pretty much nothing but shooting the breeze with farmers, but now she just writes, runs the New Adult Addiction and Clean Teen Reads Book Blogs, and runs an online science classroom for homeschoolers.

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Other reviews featuring J.A.Huss
Dirty, Dark, and Deadly
Come Back #2

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Rook and Ronin series

Rook and Ronin Spinoff


  1. I can't wait to read this book, Naomi! And sadly, I didn't get my hands on the BEND book before it was banned :( that makes me SO sad.
    I hope you're having a fantastic week :)

  2. Have you bought your copy yet?!? I did! And I can't wait!!!

  3. I didn't get Bend either! But more James??? Yes please!!

  4. :( No, I haven't... I need to get a few scheduled things done, then I am onto it!! 2 books to go!!

  5. I just finished Coming for You last week, and it was amazing!!

  6. Hmmmmm...looks interesting.

  7. Itara @ My Midnight FantasiesNovember 24, 2014 at 9:35 AM

    I haven't read this series, therefore I can't read your review but I did just buy the first book Come, and I can't wait to read it.

  8. Itara @ My Midnight FantasiesNovember 24, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    And no I did not read Bend before it was banned, Amazon is getting ridiculous though. With their covers being a specific way, I know everyone is feeling it, readers and authors.

  9. You are going to love it, Naomi! I just know it :)


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