
Stroked Long by Meghan Quinn ~ Review & Swoon Thursday (@AuthorMegQuinn, @wordsmithpublic)

After reading Stroked, I knew I had to continue the series. Thank goodness there's a limited amount of Bellini, because I don't think I could handle more of her! But Bodi Banks... he's just the best! I loved his quiet and quirky nature!
Stroked Long (Stroked, #2)
Title: Stroked Long
Author: Meghan Quinn
Series: Stroked #2
Genre: Sports Contemporary Romance
Published: September 20th 2016

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From his dirty-blond hair and breathtaking smile, to the abs from heaven and the irresistible V in his waistline, everything about Bodi Olympic-gold-medalist Banks screams hot piece of @$$.

Yet there’s more.

Dark shadows lurk behind his soulful, serious eyes.

I’m enamored. He’s captured me.

How can running an art foundation with Bodi Banks turns into a slow-burning, epic romance, even though he tries to push me away at every chance? How can I stay away from a broken, routine-driven man whose soul cries to be forgiven for a crime only he believes he committed? Or is that a lie?

After reading the first book in the Stroked series, I knew I had to read more, especially since the Olympics have just finished and I love watching what I can. Stroked Long is Bodi and Ruby's story; both characters made appearances in the first book, but you don't need to read Stroked to follow their journey. Both books run concurrently to each other, as each couple find love at the same time.

Bodi Banks was the broody and quiet character that I got glimpses of in the first book. I was interested in getting his story, but I did not expect the sadness and heartbreak of experiencing what he went through. No wonder he was so withdrawn and functioned the way he did. Ruby was the total opposite to Bodi: she was loud, colourful and messy. She charged into Bodi's life and turned it upside down with her enthusiasm, her forwardness and enjoyment of life.

Bodi and Ruby were great together! They may have been from two totally different worlds, but they kind of fit together. Ruby could see that Bodi was struggling and helped him anyway that she could. She would talk him out of his panic, or would accommodate his anxiety. Bodi was afraid that his type of crazy would drive her away, and if he didn't like himself, why would anyone else? It really made my chest ache seeing how much he loathed himself at times.

Bodi was also very close with his sister Eva and her partner Lauren, and worrying about them was part of his daily routine. However, he slowly grew some confidence, but his quirks were still there. I loved seeing the change in him and how close he was with Ruby. She was a positive change to his life and the guilt and self loathing weren't as bad.

I really enjoyed reading Stroked Long; the characters from the first book made appearances and I was happy to only get small glimpses of Bellini. I loved the seriousness of the storyline and how a tragedy can shape the person you can become. It was great to see that Bodi still had dreams despite his past, and even though Ruby was enjoying her work she wanted more for herself too. Stroked Long was a beautifully crafted read, with a delicate growing romance between a broken but focused man, and a bright and enthusiastic woman.

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

*** Swoon Thursday was first bought to us by YA Bound. Since they are no longer with us, and with permission from Trisha Wolfe, I have decided that those of us that love to swoon need a central meet up point.  So here it is ladies! I have a link up for everyone at the bottom of the post you can add your swoons to, and I’ll set it up every week! So tell all other swooners out there to come on over, link up so we can visit each other! ***

Bodi isn't one to talk about his feelings, so I loved this moment of him opening up!

“I’ve never been in a relationship, Ruby. Not because I decided to sew my wild oats or any bullshit like that. I just never found someone to be serious with. I never let someone into my world or gave anyone a chance, but then you came along. You wiggled yourself into my life, and fuck if I don’t want to see your beautiful face every day. I’m not sure how this will go, but I will tell you this, I won’t share you.”

Kindle Arc Loc 2788
Originally inspired by YA Bound
Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.

Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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Other reviews featuring Meghan Quinn 
Stroked series
Stroked #1
Bourbon series

Newly Exposed
The Mother Road

Meghan Quinn & Jessica Prince

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