
Pucked Up by Helena Hunting ~ Review & Swoon Thursday (@HelenaHunting)

Helena Hunting has quickly become an author that I must read! I am loving these sports romances that she has published and can't get enough. Buck's story was amusing and I loved getting to know him!
PUCKED Up (Pucked, #2)
Title: Pucked Up
Author: Helena Hunting
Series: Pucked #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: October 25th 2015

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****The 2nd standalone novel in The PUCKED Series****

Miller “Buck” Butterson has been banging his way through life ever since a puck to the face fixed his messed up front teeth. After five years in the NHL, deflecting goals on the ice and scoring them with puck bunnies, Miller has decided he’s ready for a girlfriend. A real, non-bunny girlfriend to take on dates, and not jump into bed with after five seconds of conversation.

Miller thinks he’s found that woman in his teammate’s sister. Except, unlike team captain and all-around nice guy Alex Waters—who happens to date his stepsister, Miller’s media reputation as a manwhore is well earned. Beyond that minor detail, Miller doesn’t know the first thing about relationships or the time and effort they require.

Miller learns—eventually—that if he wants to make Sunshine “Sunny” Waters fall for him, he's going to have to do a whole lot more than show her his stick skills in the bedroom.

After reading Pucked back in November last year, I knew I had to continue the journey. I really enjoyed Helena Hunting’s writing style, the amount of humour she injects into her reads, and the way she developed the relationships between the characters. Pucked Up is told solely from the male perspective too, and I just love that!!

I met Buck/Miller in Pucked, he’s Violet’s stepbrother and he formed a bond with Sunny, who is Alex’s sister and Violet’s fiancĂ©. Pucked Up begins three months after Buck first met Sunny, and I saw how he dealt with her, the puck bunnies and parties. It was quite comical really, because Buck always seemed to get into some situations that were hard to talk your way out of. I could also see that he had a strong connection with Sunny because they hadn’t done much more than kiss since they met. They’d got to know each other on a deeper level.

Sunny actually annoyed me a little, to be honest. She was quick to believe everything on social media and would listen to what others said before listening to Buck explain himself. Alex and her best friend Lily were constantly telling her that Buck was no good for her and I just wanted to shake her! One of these moments is when she decided to go on a trip with Lily and her boyfriend, and Sunny’s ex-boyfriend. It was an impulse decision which made things difficult for Buck and Sunny.

Most of this story is set in Canada: at Sunny’s, the camp that Buck was volunteering at, and at Alex’s cabin. There wasn’t a lot of hockey in the book, as it’s the off season, and I kind of missed that. However, I still enjoyed the story. It was an entertaining read, I laughed, swooned and was frustrated, but in the end the journey was worth it! I loved Buck and can’t get enough of him! It was a fantastic follow up book in the series and cannot wait to read what Helena has for me next!

*** Swoon Thursday was first bought to us by YA Bound. Since they are no longer with us, and with permission from Trisha Wolfe, I have decided that those of us that love to swoon need a central meet up point. So here it is ladies! I have a link up for everyone at the bottom of the post you can add your swoons to, and I’ll set it up every week! So tell all other swooners out there to come on over, link up so we can visit each other! ***

This was a sweet, but amusing moment from Buck's perspective... he's such a man!

I put my palm on the side of her neck, feeling the rapid thud of her pulse. Her heart is beating almost as hard as mine, and my dick is swelling at the same rate. When our lips meet, it’s like fireworks going off in my pants.
Her tongue is soft and warm, like all the other parts of her body I love. And it’s wet, which is like my very favorite part of her body. I have to remind myself this is just a kiss, and we’re in the middle of the woods, right by the edge of the lake. While I find the whole idea of doing it out here in nature highly appealing, she might not.

Paperback Page 247
Originally inspired by YA Bound

Helena HuntingHelena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.

Other reviews featuring Helena Hunting
Pucked series
Pucked #1

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