
Fair Game by Monica Murphy ~ Review & Giveaway

Today I have the pleasure of bringing you Fair Game by Monica Murphy. This is the first book in her new The Rules series, and the first book of hers that I have had the pleasure of reading. If you haven't read a book written by Monica you MUST give her a try and begin here!! 

Title: Fair Game
Author: Monica Murphy
Series: The Rules #1
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: May 12th 2015

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Bad enough Jade Frost’s boyfriend drags her to a boring poker game. Even worse that he actually threw her into the betting pot during an intense round…and lost. Talk about the perfect excuse for Jade to make him her ex-boyfriend.

Now she supposedly belongs to the ultra rich, extremely gorgeous Shep Prescott. He could have anything he wants yet he seems to be in hot pursuit of her. No matter how rude, how snarky, how impossible she acts, it doesn’t stop him. More like her horrible behavior seems to make him want her more.

When she finds herself starting to fall for him, Jade’s confused. There’s more to Shep than the carefree rich charmer he portrays. No way could he want a serious relationship with her…or could he?

Jade and Shep… what can I say, these two are quite the feisty pair! It was hilarious watching the poker game at the beginning, where Jade clearly thinks little of Shep and talks about him behind his back. When she is bought into the bet, I really thought she was going to blow her top! It was funny seeing her reaction and getting Shep’s thoughts on the matter too. There was no way he could make her do anything!

Shep and Jade keep running into one another, and even though the dislike is still there, there is sexual tension growing between them too. They both continue to bicker with one another, but Shep wants to make Jade his and she is the first girl he’s ever chased. I really enjoyed this cat and mouse game they played, it’s always my favourite part of the relationship, as they are unsure of what they want in the future.

I enjoyed the change in Shep; it used to be a game for him, but he quickly puts that player instinct behind him. He still has plenty of confidence and charm and uses those skills to try and win Jade over, but we see the kinder side to him too. Jade is a complete bitch from the start, and I loved that she was not willing to give in easily. She settled down throughout the story, doing things she wouldn’t normally do and allowing Shep into her life. They really did have good chemistry and were sizzling once they took that next step!

This is the first book that I have read of Monica Murphy’s and I wish I had picked one up sooner! She created characters that I could relate to and who had thoughts like I would running through their minds. Jade had a limited filter but was strong enough to refuse Shep’s advances, where a weaker girl would’ve given in immediately. Jade’s roommate Kelli was a hoot, always advising Jade on what to wear and where to go. Shep’s cousin Tristan and best friend Gabe were players too, and I look forward to meeting the girls that will tame them! I really enjoyed being in this world, and I cannot wait for more! If you haven’t tried a book by Monica Murphy yet, I suggest picking up this New Adult series and read her work for yourself.

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children. She's a workaholic who loves her job. When she's not busy writing, she also loves to read and travel with her family. She writes new adult and contemporary romance and is published with Bantam and Avon. She also writes romance as USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson.

The Rules series will continue with these next books.
(Click on covers to go to Goodreads)


  1. What?!!!!!! This is the first book you've read by Monica Murphy?!!! You're killing me! LOL Read One Week Girlfriend and that whole series, you will love it! Her Fowler Series is pretty H-O-T and heavy too :) I loved the cat and mouse game between these two characters and it was fun seeing Shep chase after Jade. I loved watching the change in him too! Awesome Review Naomi :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. Oh wow. I totally missed this was coming out. I LOVE her books. I'm reading on her Fowler sisters and enjoyed her novella-ish set that dang if I can think of the series name but millionaires betting with each other. Was a great time. Will so have to check these out :)

  3. I love the sound of the cat and mouse game. Seeing his softer side is something enjoy

  4. Every time I see "billionaire", "ultra rich", I feel like a cat with its fur standing on its ends ! But this one looks fun and I love a good bickering - I've never read Monica Murphy before :) Thanks for sharing !

  5. Feisty pairs can make for one heck of a story, especially if you add good chemistry and room for the characters to grow. This one is clearly another winner :)

  6. Looks like a sexy story:) Nice review hun!

  7. I've been reading quite a few good reviews about this one and I do love the sound of the characters. Plus feisty ones always capture my attention! Definitely have this one on my TBR list!

    Lovely review!

  8. *snort* I'm actually looking forward to reading this.

  9. I loved these two together. It was nice to see two people who didn't even like each other come to love each other. Great review.

  10. I know! I need to fix that! I think I have the second book in that series, but I want to get One Week Girlfriend first.
    I loved these two together, Shep is yummy! I loved that he pursued her too!

  11. This was a fun one, I need to read more of her books!

  12. I love the chase! These two were fun and it was great to see Shep change for her, not too much but enough to let a girl into his heart.

  13. Oh no, he may be rich, but nothing like that. It is family money and he really is fun to read about.

  14. Hehe! These two definitely made a fun story! These two grew a lot! loved them!

  15. It was a yummy read... dying to get more from this world!

  16. Magen, you would really enjoy this one! This series is going to be fantastic!

  17. Hehe! you will enjoy it, all the good banter between them! Cannot wait to read your thoughts.

  18. And to think that is how my relationship began with my now husband... 20 years later he is still here *wink*

  19. So glad you liked this one. Love the new look of your blog. I love Monica Murphy's books so I can't wait to read this one. Trying to wait until I get a lot of my books read first but we'll see. Great review as always!


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