
Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up #105

Nomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged hosted by Braine @ Talk Supe and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. I’ll share news, post a recap of the past week and tell you what will be happening on my blog in the week ahead. I will also tell you about the books and goodies that I have managed to pick up.
So, we managed to make the Grand Final for netball… It was played yesterday and we won by 1 goal!! And I shot the winning goal with a few seconds to spare, so I pretty damn proud!! 

Blogging has been quiet this week, I am up to date on my posts and I’ve been busy reading Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb. I have missed this world and I love the new twists thrown in.

Other than that, life is quiet and the kids will be on school holidays in a week… there goes the quiet time!

Review ~ Rogue by Katy Evans
Review~ Damaged Goods by Nicole Williams
Review/Tour ~ Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett
Book Blitz ~ Take Me On by Katie McGarry

99c Purchases
Like (Social Media, #2)

Like (Social Media #2)


For Review
The Lover's Game (No Exceptions, #2)

The Lover's Game (No Exceptions #2)


Black Lies

Black Lies

by Alessandra Torre
Black Ice

Black Ice

by Becca Fitzpatrick

There are still some giveaways running… Click on the links at the top/right of the blog to enter!

What do you did you get up to last week? Pick up any goodies? Please leave a comment below with your link so I can check out yours too!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Week!!


  1. Congrats on winning the game! When the kids go on holiday, is that like their summer break?

  2. Yes!! lol It is a 2 week break before they start their final 10 week block for the year!
    Thanks Christy!!

  3. Jessica @ a GREAT readSeptember 14, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    Oooh nice! I looooved Black Ice! Thought it was simply incredible! Hope you enjoy all your new reads too!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Congrats on the shot ! Raow, those covers in the Social media series ! Here, when the girls are in school, I have all the time for myself - now that the youngest is also going to high school a little further away, I can sleep on monday mornings, that is sooooooooooooo good !
    And now that I've taunted you, I'll congratulate you on your book haul that I wish I had the same and wish you a great week !

  5. Oooh, nice haul! I can't wait to read Black Ice. Enjoy!!

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  6. Woot! That's awesome Naomi! Congrats on winning and making the shot!

  7. I was so excited you all won! Woot. Black Ice sounds good, and I am curious to see if you like it.

  8. Bea @ Bea's Book NookSeptember 15, 2014 at 2:24 AM

    Congrats on your netball success! That's wonderful.

  9. Congrats on your netball victory! Sounds like it was a seriously exciting finish! You've got some great sounding books this week! Hope next week is great and good look in the finals!

  10. I am so happy to see Black Lies there, I heart that book so much! And so jealous of Black Ice, I wish I got approved for that one but S&S doesn't like me I guess :(

    Have a great reading week ahead!

  11. Oh I love the cover for Black Lies, its just different. Cool haul Naomi :D

    Goodness, I wish I could catch up on some things, lols. Have great week!

  12. Well done in the netball tournament. Have you more games this season?

  13. Lovers Game sounds good, hope that you enjoy and have a good week.

  14. Ooo, I actually just read/reviewed Black Ice last week (I'm sure you remember my swoon post from the week before). I rather enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week :)

    Check out my STS post!

  15. YAY! for the winning goal! That had to be awesome! I really can't wait to read Black Ice. It looks so good!

  16. So excited that you're reading Fool's Assassin! I'm interested to see what you think!

  17. Thanks so much! It was a thrilling game and I'm a little sad it is all over!!
    I'm looking forward to some relaxing days through the break!

  18. Lucky I didn't know the pressure I was under!!

  19. Hehe, me too! I should post some pics!!
    Black ice was a great read! Finished it last night!

  20. Thanks Bea! Still pretty pumped about it!

  21. OMGosh, it so was!!
    I'm keen to get into these reads!

  22. I am lucky that S&S Aus has just started on NetGalley... I read the book already to make a good impression on them! *wink*

  23. Thanks! I finished Black Ice last night, loved it!

  24. That is it... final game, won the most important one!!

  25. I hope to get onto that series soon. I love Jett!

  26. I did enjoy Black Ice... I had my hunches along the way... it was very well done!

  27. I know! The relief in the end was amazing.
    Black Ice was awesome!

  28. Hehe... yes, S&S Aus were good to share with me *wink*
    I am pretty happy with the win! It was great!

  29. Thanks! I hope to get to them all soon!

  30. I have finished it and wanted to throw my iPad with that ending... Fitz is gunna kill some people and I have to wait a whole year to find out more!!!!!!

  31. I really enjoyed it! it has a lot of suspense, but soooo good!

  32. Congrats on scoring the winning goal, Naomi! That's fantastic! I like all the books you hauled in this week...I one-clicked Black Lies. :)

  33. I have heard good things about Black Lies! Sounds intriguing!

    And thanks! Netball was a bit nerve wracking last week, I am putting a couple pics in this weeks post!

  34. Black Ice looks good!


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