
Review ~ The Rules of Dating by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland

The Rules of DatingThe Rules of Dating by Penelope Ward
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This started off as a fun and entertaining read as Billie and Colby got to know one another. The initial meet was so funny as Billie seeked revenge, however she had been hurt a lot and was quite hesitant about jumping into a relationship. Colby also had his daughter to think about and she was the sweetest little girl. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and boy did it drop! The drama put a big strain on them both.

The second half of the book wasn’t as fun as the first. It took quite the serious turn and really tested both characters. I liked the support that they both had from their friends, and I do look forward to more stories from this world. This story turned out to be quite sweet, but didn’t blow me away like I’d hoped.

Title: The Rules of Dating
Author: Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland
Series: The Law of Opposites Attract #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: September 19, 2022

It all started when I hosted a little party for a bunch of new friends.

Though “friends” might not be the right word since the invitees were all the women I’d found out my boyfriend was talking to behind my back. When the guest of honor walked in—aka my now ex—things took a turn…

Unfortunately, a stranger witnessed the whole blowout. I was in a mood that night and ended up giving this gorgeous guy an attitude, too. As if my night could get any worse, before he stormed off, he informed me he was actually my landlord.

Colby Lennon, along with three of his friends, owned the building where my tattoo shop was located. He and I were total opposites. He wore a tie, oozed confidence that came with years of women falling at his feet, and wasn’t afraid to say what he wanted, which lately—was me.

I hated that I found myself attracted to him. Especially since I was supposed to be on a self-imposed dating hiatus. Yet the two of us couldn’t seem to stay away from each other. We started hanging out, as friends. I even went as far as making rules for what he’d dubbed our “undates.”

But eventually, our explosive attraction became too much to bear, and we broke our resolve. I let my guard down and started to really fall for Colby.

Nothing could have prepared me for the ride he took me on. And I certainly wasn't prepared for where I'd wind up when the ride was over.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.

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