

May was a busy month... I turned 40! We had a small party at our new place, and as it started to get cold, he had a big fire. I was happy to have so many friends and family around to celebrate with me.
I also celebrated Mother's Day, and went to lunch with my Hubby and the kids.
We also went to the V8 Supercars in Winton. We all love to watch the fast cars ping around the track, so  It's always good to see it in person instead of watching it on TV!
My eldest nephew turned 18! Where has that time gone? So you can imagine that we celebrated in style with a fire and a few beverages! 😜
And Finally... we got a new addition to our family. Everyone meet Maggie!

Blogging/Reading... last month I was able to keep up, so I scheduled a lot of posts for May, but this month I didn't have a lot of time to read... so as you can imagine, June is going to be a little light on posts, but I should pick up in July! 

Click on the covers to take you to my reviews.
The Swedish PrinceThe Right GirlHunterLife As We Know It (Love Not Included)
The Thing About LoveI Dare YouAll the Little LightsI Flipping Love You (Shacking Up, #3)

These are the books I've picked up over the past month!
(Click on covers to take you to Goodreads)

Good GirlThe Wild Heir
Chaser (Dive Bar, #3)
Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book ReviewerBought, Borrowed and Bagged hosted by Braine @ Talk Supe and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

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