
The Room Mate by Kendall Ryan ~ Review & Teaser (@KendallRyan1, @InkSlingerPR)

I'm a little late with my review for The Room Mate, but here it is! It was a fun read and I'm continuing to enjoy the stories that Kendall Ryan creates! You need to pick up Cannon and Paige's story today!
The Room Mate (Roommates, #1)
Title: The Room Mate
Author: Kendall Ryan
Series: Roommates #1
Genre: NA Romance
Published: January 24th 2017

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The last time I saw my best friend’s younger brother, he was a geek wearing braces. But when Cannon shows up to crash in my spare room, I get a swift reality check.

Now twenty-four, he’s broad shouldered and masculine, and so sinfully sexy, I want to climb him like the jungle gyms we used to enjoy. At six-foot-something with lean muscles hiding under his T-shirt, a deep sexy voice, and full lips that pull into a smirk when he studies me, he’s pure temptation.

Fresh out of a messy breakup, he doesn’t want any entanglements. But I can resist, right?

I’m holding strong until the third night of our new arrangement when we get drunk and he confesses his biggest secret of all: he’s cursed when it comes to sex. Apparently he’s a god in bed, and women instantly fall in love with him.

I’m calling bullshit. In fact, I’m going to prove him wrong, and if I rack up a few much-needed orgasms in the process, all the better.

There’s no way I’m going to fall in love with Cannon. But once we start…I realize betting against him may have been the biggest mistake of my life.

THE ROOM MATE is a full-length standalone romance.

What a fun read this turned out to be... falling for your best friends brother! One of those unspoken rules between friends. But in this case, Cannon's sister Allie, set him up to room with her best friend Paige, so she kind of pushed them together. But how exciting was it to see the sparks fly between these two? It was only a matter of time before they crossed the line and it was sizzling when they did!

Cannon was looking for a place to stay until he was finished in med school. But living with Paige was going to be a challenge, he hadn't seen her in years and she was his high school crush and fantasy. They had both grown up over the years and even from their first meeting the chemistry was rising between them.

It was amusing to see Paige and Cannon together, they skirted around their attraction, and when Cannon mentioned that every girl that he slept with falls in love with him and they go a little crazy, Paige decided to test his theory. Their attraction continued to grow as the spent more time together. They helped each other through some tough times and grew stronger each day. But of course there were issues that they needed to face and hurdles to over come to find their happily ever after.

This is the second journey I've been on with Kendall Ryan, and I'm continuing to enjoy her work. The chemistry between the characters was intense, the story was well crafted and I loved being swept away in her writing. There are more stories to come in this series, and I'm eager to get my hands on them!

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.

I just loved these little moments!

My best friend’s little brother wasn’t so little anymore. And he’d just marched into my life, turning my girly bits into warm, aroused mush.

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I had fallen for someone I couldn’t have, and now I was doing the only thing I could—flee.

Kindle Arc Loc 2026

A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 1.5 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. She's a traditionally published author with Simon & Schuster and Harper Collins UK, as well as an independently published author. Since she first began self-publishing in 2012, she's appeared at #1 on Barnes & Noble and iBooks charts around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than three dozen times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras

Other reviews featuring Kendall Ryan
Hitched: Volume One
Hitched: Volume Two 
Hitched: Volume Three

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