
Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson ~ Audiobook Review & Quote-tastic (@aljacksonauthor)

After I read the first book, I had the urge to jump back into this series, because it sat with me for ages and I needed to continue to see what happened! Things were going to change in a big way!
Title: Take This Regret
Author: A.L. Jackson
Series: Take This Regret #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: July 2013 (first published July 27th 2011)

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There are some mistakes we make that we will regret for the rest of our lives. For Christian, it was the day he betrayed Elizabeth.

Christian Davison has a plan for his life. He is determined to become an attorney and to one day take his place as partner in his father’s law firm. Nothing will stand in his way, not even Elizabeth Ayers and their unborn child.

After Christian cuts her from his life, Elizabeth spends the next five years struggling to provide for her daughter and willing to sacrifice anything to give her child a safe, comfortable life. For five years, Christian has regretted the day he walked away from his family and will do anything to win them back just as Elizabeth will do anything to protect her daughter from the certain heartache she believes Christian will bring upon them.

When Christian wrestles his way into their lives, Elizabeth is faced with asking herself if it is possible to forgive someone when they’ve committed the unforgivable and if it is possible to find a love after it has been buried in years of hate.

Or are there some wounds that go so deep they can never heal? They say everyone deserves a second chance.

In July 2016, I listened to Lost to You, and after the abrupt ending I decided I needed to know what happened between Christian and Elizabeth. Take This Regret was set 5 years into the future, as Christian started a new job at his father's firm, heading up a new office in San Diego. It was another pleasant listen as Andi Arndt narrated the story, she depicted both characters perfectly, and was so easy to listen to.

I liked seeing the change in Christian, he had grown a lot over the years and I could see that he regretted his decision all those years ago. I liked seeing him build a connection with his child once they met, and how much he wanted the child to be part of his life.

Elizabeth was wary about Christian coming back into her life. She had suffered a lot after Christian’s ultimatum. It was good to see that she had support around her and was still close with Matt. I could understand why she was hesitant and was very protective of her heart.

Take This Regret was told at a steady pace, and I was able to see both characters as they tried to show that they were better people. Elizabeth was determined to keep Christian at arms length, but allowed him to develop a relationship with their child. I could see that Christian never stopped loving Elizabeth, despite the years they were apart. He had a better relationship with his mother, but the relationship with his father was still strained.

I enjoyed most of the story, experiencing a lot of the hard times Christian and Elizabeth had to face. There was a moment toward the end of the book that made me a little angry and I didn't agree with how Elizabeth handled the situation. She was very selfish and mean, and had no right to blow up like she did. She was now an adult and a parent, and should've handle the situation better than how she did. After I got past this moment, the story wrapped up nicely and I was happy how it all tied up. I know that there's another book in the series, but I think I'm happy with how this one ended and leave it at that.

Sigh... I really think Christian is a good guy... And this was a yummy moment between him and Elizabeth.

I leaned in further and let my fingertips wander over the day old stubble along his jaw, ran them tenderly over his lips—wanted what I couldn’t have.
So, like a fool, I stole it and pressed my lips to his, knowing he’d only be mine for a few moments.
They were hot, damp, and perfect; they scorched my skin and brought tears to my eyes.
A tremor rolled through my chest, stuck in my throat, and shook my body.
I took a little more, held his face in my hands and in my desperation, kissed him deeper—tasted my tears and the sweetness of Christian’s mouth—flirted with disaster.

Kindle Page 227

Hosted by Anna @ Herding Cats & Burning Soup

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and new adult romance.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Other reviews featuring A.L. Jackson
Take This Regret series
Lost to You #0.5

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