
Frozen by L.A. Casey ~ Audiobook Review & Quote-tastic (@AuthorLACasey)

I've been a fan of L.A. Casey's since I began her Slater Brothers series (which I am behind on, btw). I love her Irish touch and the humour she entwines throughout her novels. So I NEEDED something lighter and fun, and Frozen was just what I needed! 
Title: Frozen
Author: L.A. Casey
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: April 19th 2016 by Brilliance Audio

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There’s one must-have toy this Christmas, and Neala Clarke has told her niece Charli she’ll get it for her. Never mind that she’s got less than a week and it looks like everywhere is sold out. She’s promised Charli a Fire Princess doll—and Neala is a woman of her word.

Darcy Hart is a people-pleaser. So when his adorable six-year-old nephew, Dustin, asks for a particular doll at the last minute, he says yes. Luckily for Darcy, there’s one left in stock at the local toy store. Unluckily for Darcy, he’s not the only person who wants it—and his rival is the one woman who’s immune to his charms.

Neala and Darcy have loved to hate each other since they were kids, and they’re both willing to do whatever it takes to get that doll. This can’t possibly end well for both of them…can it?

I've found a romantic comedy that has shot to the top of my all time favourite reads! I laughed hard while reading Frozen as Neala and Darcy bickered most of the way through this book. Their feud has gone back 15 years, so there's a lot of fierce hatred running between them. But we all know there's a thin line between love and hate...

Both characters were highly entertaining as they fought over a gift that Neala wanted for her niece, and Darcy wanted for his nephew. It was so funny watching them try and get the upper hand. Then to see it spill out past the store into their home lives, these two fought with a passion and were willing to bring in outside help to get what they wanted. As it carried on it was only a matter of time until these two were stuck together. Although in the beginning I felt sorry for Neala, because I thought Darcy was being a jerk to her, but after a while they started to be civil and it was good for them.

But as always, there are plenty of twists and turns and it wasn't a smooth ride for either of them. They are both hot headed and tend to speak before thinking things through properly. I liked seeing how close they were with their families and would move heaven and earth for them. Neala always has something to say and Darcy is a ladies man and can charm the pants off almost any girl.

Frozen was like listening to a movie, the characters voices were fantastic and really hooked me into the story. I loved that the story was told in Irish accents as it felt more real. Darcy's narration was done by Alan Smyth and it was like listening to Gerard Butler (and I love his voice!). Alana Kerr Collins portrayed Neala perfectly too, showing all the emotion and turmoil she was going through.

L.A. Casey did a magnificent job at delivering this story! I felt like I was right there watching everything unfold. I laughed a lot at what these characters did, and could feel the sadness and the turmoil that both characters went through. She did an amazing job at building up the world and I could see what she was telling me. I absolutely loved this book and I know I must read/listen to more of her work!

I couldn't help it... so many good lines and quotes in this book! Today I have three! Two funny, one sweet!

Neala Clarke.
The malicious little menace had managed to work her way into my sex life. She had just singlehandedly cock-blocked me . . . and she didn’t even fucking know about it.
“Bloody woman!” I snapped.

Kindle Page 83

“What did you mean when you said I should take you calling me the opposite of Laura Stoke as a compliment and not an insult?”
Darcy stared into my eyes, the corners of his own eyes crinkling slightly as a smile curved his lips. “Laura in her own right is sexy, but you . . . you, my Neala Girl, are beautiful. Anyone can be sexy, but not everyone can be beautiful.”

Kindle Page 177

I felt like my head, my entire body, had pulled a three-sixty and fucked me over.

Kindle Page 197

Hosted by Anna @ Herding Cats & Burning Soup

L.A. Casey
L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time between her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humour and Irish accent as much as her books.

Casey's first book, DOMINIC, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.

To read more about this author, visit her website at

Other reviews featuring L.A. Casey 
Slater Brothers series
Dominic #1
Bronagh #1.5
Alec #2

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