
Chasing River by K.A. Tucker ~ Review & Swoon Thursday

I am an instant fan now that I have read my first book by k.A. Tucker! I need to read more of her work! I loved River and Amber, and I will DEFINITELY read more from this world and author! 
Title: Chasing River
Author: K.A. Tucker
Series: Burying Water #3
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: July 7th 2015 (July 15th 2015 in Aus)

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Armed with two years' worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes off before she has the chance to offer her gratitude.

Twenty-four-year-old River Delaney is rattled. No one was supposed to get hurt. But then that American tourist showed up. He couldn't let her die, but he also couldn't risk being identified at the scene—so, he ran. Back to his everyday life of running his family’s pub. Only, everyday life is getting more and more complicated, thanks to his brother, Aengus, and his criminal associations. When the American girl tracks River down, he quickly realizes how much he likes her, how wrong she is for him. And how dangerous it is to have her around. Chasing her off would be the smart move.

Maybe it's because he saved her life, or maybe it's because he's completely different from everything she's left behind, but Amber finds herself chasing after River Delaney. Amber isn’t the kind of girl to chase after anyone. And River isn't the kind of guy she'd want to catch.

Why has it taken me so long to pick up a book by K.A. Tucker? After finishing Chasing River I want to go back and read them all! Right from the first chapter I was sucked into this world, hooked to the writing style, the characters and Ireland! I could see that I was going to like River, he had a kind heart. Amber was fulfilling a life dream of travelling around the world and found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Amber has always played it safe; she was the good girl in her family, her twin brother Jesse was the bad boy (from Burying Water). She dated good guys and went to college. After a break up she decided it was time to travel, like she always planned and set off on an adventure through Canada before landing in Ireland. What I loved most about her trip was ‘Amber’s Bucket List’, and you know the number one item is involving a fling! So it was amusing to see her contemplate it once she crossed paths with River again. Amber usually follows the rules, so it was nice to see her change her ways slightly and she opened her eyes to the bigger picture.

River… I loved him from the first moment I met him. He’s passionate about his family; even though his brother is a bit of a bad egg, he doesn’t want to see him slip into his old ways. He showed selfishness when he crossed paths with Amber, and I could see the sparks fly when they met under better circumstances. I loved how he encouraged Amber to learn more about the history of Ireland, both on her own and with him. It was sweet to see their relationship grow throughout the course of the book.

I really enjoyed learning the politics of Ireland, understanding some of the struggles that they have had to deal with over hundreds of years. How the new IRA group has taken matters into their own hands and how they are always fighting with other groups. Although this book just scrapes the surface of it, I was intrigued and wanted to know more.

I loved seeing Amber and River’s relationship grow gradually in this book. They took their time, despite the attraction they both felt for one another. But I didn’t see the twist coming and I was left gasping at the new information. Amber made a friend from her home town too, and it was great to see them work through the issues they had from school. River’s brother Rowen was another great character too. He’s confident and I enjoyed the brotherly banter between him and River!

Chasing River was an amazing read, one I found very hard to put down. The whole book was woven together perfectly and I didn’t feel the plot slow at all. The characters are easy to like, despite their pasts and being from different countries. I was smiling most of the way through this book, but there was a moment when tears welled in my eyes. Well done K.A. Tucker… you have found a new fan in me!

Complimentary copy provided by Simon & Schuster Australia in exchange for an honest review.

*Snickers* This was a sweet moment between Amber and River... she's getting a bit of confidence!

He simply smiles at me. Not moving closer. Not pulling away.
Waiting for me to make the first move,I think.
I do, leaning in to steal a kiss and elicit a soft groan from him. His grip around me tightens, his fist clenching the back of my shirt as he pulls me into his body, his erection pressing against my stomach.
Really? He wants me that much? Knowing that excites me.
And then he breaks free suddenly. “See ya.”
I grin, parroting him. “See ya.”

Paperback Page 149

Hosted by YA Bound

K.A. TuckerBorn in small-town Ontario, Kathleen published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. 

She is a voracious reader and the farthest thing from a genre-snob, loving everything from High Fantasy to Chick Lit.

Kathleen currently resides in a quaint small town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.

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