
Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up 139

I started off the week ok, but the sniffles and sore throat has set in by the end of the week. I’m feeling a little run down, but doing ok. On Thursday I filled in to coach my daughters netball side… that was a new experience for me and I will be coaching our netball side on the weekend as our coach is away, so a bit more pressure on my shoulders to win!

Blogging wise, everything has been running a bit smoother, I am up to date on posts and reading as usual.
Jet by Jay Crownover ~ Review & Quote-tastic
Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry ~ Review & Teaser Tuesday
Waiting On Wednesday # 142 ~ Kingpin & Trailer Park Fae
Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens ~ Review & Swoon Thursday
Rome by Jay Crownover ~ Review & Quote-tastic
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout ~ Review & Teaser Tuesday
Waiting On Wednesday # 143
Forever A Jett Girl by Meghan Quinn ~ Review & Swoon Thursday
Beyond the Cut by Sarah Castille ~ Blitz
Rumor Has It (Limelight, #1)

Rumor Has It (Limelight #1)

The Veil (Devil's Isle, #1)Playing with Trouble (Capital Confessions, #2)

The Veil (Devil's Isle #1)


Playing with Trouble (Capital Confessions #2)


Something I picked up for just $4!!

Up in Flames

Naomi’s Weekly Wrap Up is a combined meme with the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book ReviewerBought, Borrowed and Bagged hosted by Braine @ Talk Supe and Stacking The Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.


  1. I hope you love all your new books this week. They look amazing.


  2. Sorry you're feeling under the weather! Ugh!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. Bea @ Bea's Book NookMay 30, 2015 at 3:11 PM

    Boo for being sick but yay for coaching and being current on blogging.

  4. Jessica @ a GREAT readMay 30, 2015 at 11:05 PM

    Nice! So looking forward to the Veil! I've had it for a week now but hadn't had time to read it yet! Hopefully this week!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Aw hope you're all the way feeling better soon! Yay for being caught up on your posts!

  6. Feel better, Naomi! I can't believe you took on yet another responsibility! Your shoulders must be mighty indeed :) Btw, I'm curious about The Veil ;)

  7. Hope you feel better:D! Drink lots of orange juice and all that stuff!

  8. I sure hope you're feeling much better. It's the pits being uncomfortable in warmer weather. Looks like some nice books you managed to snag. Hugs...Ro

  9. Oh no ... boo to sickness. I'd bring you some whiskey if I were closer. That usually makes me feel better. ;)

  10. Enjoy your new books, Naomi! I'll be grabbing that freebie too! Feel better soon babe :)

  11. The coaching went well, and I love being up to date!

  12. I know! Me too! Still catching up with some other books then I hope to dive into it!

  13. I'm getting there Anna! I do like being organised with posts!

  14. Haha! Lucky coaching is only a temporary thing! It's not too bad, we had a win!

  15. Thanks! I am getting better, more rest today though *wink*

  16. We are heading into Winter down here in Aus, so it comes with the weather... It still sucks though!

  17. Haha! I would totally drink it with you too! Thanks Christy!

  18. I know, gotta snap up those freebies!

  19. I am sure I will enjoy them! Excited to read them both!

  20. Nice haul! Funny, I picked up Up In Flames about a year ago for the same price. Still haven't read it though. One day, I'm sure I will get to it.

  21. I hope you feel better friend! What's netball? Is it like baseball or volleyball? Awesome haul! Up in Flames looks good, and I adore Nicole Williams' stories! I like the book cover for Playing with Trouble. I wonder if the story is just as good... Happy Reading :)

  22. Hope you feel better. I like netball so good for you. Up in Flames seems interesting. Good deal :)

  23. I know, I hope so too... so many on the go right now!

  24. Netball is a non-contact game played on a court similar to basketball. No bouncing, just passing the ball around the court and the goal has no backboard.
    I'm looking forward to all of these... I hope I squeeze them in soon!

  25. I'm feeling a bit better this week... And I hope I do as well!

  26. Good for you learning new skills! *ha* I'm sure you did/do an excellent job at coaching, :) I do hope you're feeling better though. Sniffles and sore throat are often the worst! Congrats on your haul as well. I'm particularly interested in Up in Flames as I've always wanted to read Nicole Williams. Ah, I'll get there. :)

  27. I am doing a lot better! The coaching went well, we had a win. I just never saw myself coaching much... more the class clown!
    I hope to read Up in Flames soon, it looks to be a quick read.

  28. I hope your cold is better! It's winter there correct? I want to read Nowhere but Here and one of these days I hope to finally read something by Chloe Neill. I am so behind on so many books and authors!

  29. I am doing better! I hope you get a chance to read Chloe Neill soon, I love her work!

  30. That is what's so neat about meeting new friends from other countries. Never even considered the weather would be different than here, as we head into Summer! (lol) Hope you can add some pics for readers to see, when you're feeling up to it. Big Hugs...Ro

  31. I really liked the first book, fingers crossed that this one is just as good too!


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