
Review ~ Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens

Title: Thoughtless
Author: S.C. Stephens
Series: Thoughtless #1
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Published: June 11th 2011

For almost two years now, Kiera's boyfriend, Denny, has been everything she's ever wanted: loving, tender and endlessly devoted to her. When they head off to a new city to start their lives together, Denny at his dream job and Kiera at a top-notch university, everything seems perfect. Then an unforeseen obligation forces the happy couple apart.

Feeling lonely, confused, and in need of comfort, Kiera turns to an unexpected source—a local rock star named Kellan Kyle. At first, he's purely a friend that she can lean on, but as her loneliness grows, so does their relationship. And then one night everything changes...and none of them will ever be the same.
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There is so much I want to say about this book! Firstly, it is a long book, so if you are going to pick it up, make some time for it. Secondly, it would not be a book for everyone. There are three main characters in this book Kiera, her boyfriend Denny and his friend Kellan. So from that you can see there is a bit of a triangle happening, and it goes into the world of cheating. But don’t write it off over that alone, because I thought it was more of a story of a naïve girl who happened to fall in love with two guys.

Kiera moved across the country with her boyfriend, Denny, as he accepted a new job there. They move in with Kellan, Denny’s friend who he stayed with for a year during school. When Denny’s work calls him away, Kiera was alone; she had no friends and nothing else to do except work and mope for the rest of her break. She slowly forms a friendship with Kellan and soon lines become a bit blurred. Kiera soon realises her heart is torn between the two guys.

Kiera was a quiet girl; she is book smart and finds interacting with people a little difficult. She has lived a normal, uncomplicated life and found the big move a little daunting. Kiera seemed a little inexperienced to me, and was way out of her comfort zone. She didn’t like graphic conversations between the guys and blushed over a lot of things. Along the way you could see her grow and become a little more comfortable. She found it hard to deal with her feelings and made some stupid choices, but she is human after all.

Denny… what can I say… he’s an Aussie, a sexy, sweet and caring one at that. He is focused on his career right now and is very good at his job. He loves Kiera with a fierce passion and their relationship was a bit strained when he had to leave her. I liked him a lot and I saw how much he would give up for the girl he loved.

Kellan is the sexy lead singer of the D-bags. I could tell that he had a difficult past, but I didn’t realise how deep his hurt ran. I could see he was quite the player, but he was very reserved in the beginning. There were a lot of good traits that he had too, he was kind, thoughtful and fun to be around. He went out of his way to drag Kiera out of her depressing state and showed her how to be happy when you feel a bit lost.

As you can see, this book gets a bit complicated. If you have the patience to sit through it, it really is a great read. It is a difficult journey for all of the characters as they have to sort through their feelings and the situations they find themselves in. I really did enjoy this read, and I will continue on with the series to see what happens for Kiera now. 


  1. I don't know about this one. Reviews indicate that it's heavy on the angst...and I'm terrified of angst.

  2. Thanks for the heads up Naomi. That's one of my hot buttons (unless of course it turns into a menage heh). Glad you enjoyed it and are continuing on :)

  3. Hmm, this one doesn't sound like my cup of tea - I'm avoiding it because of the mixed reviews xD thanks for the honesty! <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  4. It's already on my list, I'm not sure I'll enjoy it but I do hope so ! Great review ;)

  5. I'm not a fan of cheating - a book has to be done really well for me to be able to tolerate it (and I'm especially sensitive about it right now because I just read a book that I kind of hated that dealt with cheating). Glad you still managed to enjoy it overall, though!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  6. Finally! One book that I did read - yay! :D I enjoyed this quite a bit if I recall correctly. I think I found all the characters to be delightfully flawed, and therefore, delightfully human. Great review <3

  7. I don't know. I think I might struggle with that naive girl. Great review.

  8. happy to see that you somehow enjoyed this book :) I'm not really in the mood for romance right now :D Lovely Review

  9. I think I own this but I couldn't get past it, I think there was a word that she overused a lot with Kellan that drove me insane.. smirk? maybe

  10. Hmmm... I'm interested but I'm not sure if I have the patience. I've been steering away from longer books lately. I'm putting it on my maybe list for now. Great review :)

  11. I have this book on my shelf, I just haven't had the time to read it yet. Your review has definitely motivated me to move it up on my reading list. I'm a little nervous to start this book since cheating isn't my thing, but I think after your review I'll understand the character a bit more! Thank you for the great review.

  12. It does get complicated, doesn't it? There were so many times I wanted to throttle a character or two. But I just tried to keep in mind that when I was 21-22, I certainly did *not* have my shit I gave them all a little leeway. I really enjoyed the book - maybe a smidge less on the second go-round because I've read so many similar books since I first read Thoughtless. But I really like all the characters Stephens created. And Kellen makes me swoon. (sorry, Denny) Awesome review, girlie! We should have an offline chat about it. :)

  13. Kellan is awesome, and I appreciated this book more after I read Kellan's books and realised how much he struggled. Keira is a bit annoying, but I will be keen to see how she grows in the next book.

  14. It is a difficult one, but worth it in the end.

  15. Haha! Understandable, especially in such a long book!

  16. I know what you mean! It is a long one!

  17. Yeah, she hasn't had to explore the world, and her first time is moving across the country with her very first boyfriend.

  18. That is totally understandable!!

  19. Haha! Yup, the cheating may put you off, but I think the relationship will get better in the next book, fingers crossed!!

  20. It is a long one, you'll have to make time!

  21. Yeah, when I read this I though of you, I don't think you'd enjoy it! You may just throw the book at the wall!!

  22. They are definitely flawed, and I really enjoyed that element of it!

  23. I loved this book and because it was so complicated I had to know how things worked out. Glad you liked it enough to want to continue with the series.

  24. I did, I have had Effortless for a while, but I haven't had the time to pick it up, it may have to go back to the library, i'm afraid


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